Ratay-Johnstone Ancestors - Person Sheet
Ratay-Johnstone Ancestors - Person Sheet
NameJohann Heinrich STORK
Birth9 Nov 1773, Ladbergen, Westfalen, Prussia418,654
Baptism9 Nov 1773, Evangelisch, Ladbergen, Westfalen, Prussia418,655
MemoSponsors: Joh. Feldwisch, Joh. Henr. Stork, Anna Elisab. Storks
Death23 Nov 1812, Ladbergen, Westfalen, Prussia418,656
FatherJohan Cord STORK (1742-1813)
Birth7 Aug 1773, Ladbergen, Westfalen, Prussia101,418,657,658
Baptism7 Aug 1773, Evangelisch, Ladbergen, Westfalen, Prussia659
Memosponsors: Anna Maria Kohnhorst, Anna Elisab. Weidkamp, Joh. Suhrinrich
Death28 Feb 1838, Ladbergen, Westfalen, Prussia101,418,660
Memoage 64 yrs 6 mos 21 das
Burial4 Mar 1838660
MotherCatharina Elsabein HOGE (~1736-1804)
Marriage15 Jul 1798, Ladbergen, Westfalen, Prussia418
Marr MemoDSC1939-40
ChildrenJohann Heinrich (1798-1848)
 Johan Heinrich Adolph (1802-1869)
 Johan Herman Wilhelm (1806-1879)
 Herman Heinrich Wilhelm (Died as Child) (1809-1812)
Notes for Johann Heinrich STORK
While verifying research done by other Stork researchers, I came across the fact that there were not 1, but 3 Johann Heinrich Storks of Ladbergen, being born 1771, 1772 and 1773. I turned to some serious Ladbergen researchers, Bill Roege and John Clausing on the Deu-Ladbergen Mail List on Rootsweb. I posed the question of which of these men was the one who married Maria Elisabeth Suhrheinrich. Here is the analysis that was done by John Clausing:
“I have taken a new look at the Johan Heinrich Storks and come to a new conclusion, a rather definite one in fact. There are three Johan Henrich Storcks that are prime candidates to be the husband of Maria Elisabeth Suhrhenrich. They are:
1) Johan Henrich Storck *6 Oct 1771, son of Joh. Henrich Storck (wife Wierwille)
He died 24 Oct 1842, Johan Heinrich Stork, Wittwe, Heuerling bei Col Lageman, Alt 71 Jahr 16 Tage. This calculates to 8 of Oct 1771.
2) Johan Henrich Storck *21 Mar 1772, son of Herman Christian (wife Aufderhaar)
He died 6 Oct 1832, Johan Heinrich Maneke geb Stork, colonus, alt 60 Jahr 7 Monate, calculated birth date is Mar 1772. We can eliminate him he died a Maneke. (Marriage 10 Nov 1799 with Anna Elisabeth Maneke)
3) Johan Henrich Storck * 9 Nov 1773, son of Joh Cord Storck (wife Hemmer)
He died 23 Nov 1812, Johan Heinrich Stork, Alt 39, Ackersman, Sohn des Ackersman, Johan Stork und Anna Elsabein Hemmers, zu Wester, verheirathet.
There were two other marriages:
a) Johan Henrich Storck and Anna Christina Bocker on 18 Aug 1793
b) Johan Henrich Storck and Maria Elisabeth Suhrhenrich on 15 Jul 1798
This last is your interest.
We find the death of these wives as follows:
a) 1 Dec 1838, Anna Christina Böker, Ehefrau Johan Henrich Stork, Heuerling, bei Lageman, 66 Jahr 2 Monate, und 15 Tage.
b) 28 Feb 1832, Marie Elisabeth Stork geb Suhrhenrich, wittwe des Heinrich Stork bei Ströwe, 64 Jahr 6 Monat, 21 Tage.
Take note: a) Her husband is still living and dwelling by Lageman at time of death. Her husband is thus #1 the widower bei Lageman
b) she is a widow (Wittwe) and dwells by Str?we. Her husband is #3, who was still married at death (verheirathet) and died in 1812 and thus deceased in 1838.
Johan Heinrich Stork, husband of Maria Elisabeth Suhrhenrich, was thus Johan Henrich Storck * 9 Nov 1773, son of Johan Cord Storck and Anna Christina Elsabein Hemmer. His parents were married 14 Feb 1770, Johan Cord Storck, Geselle, und Christina Elsabein Hemmers, Jungfrau.
My previous analysis was good as far as it went, but did not take into account the 1799 marriage of a Johan Henrich Storck and Anna Elisabeth Maneke. I also missed the clue that I should not have missed that Maria Elisabeth Stork geb Suhrhenrich was a widow in 1838. There was no way she could be the wife of a man dying in 1842.
I hope this helps. I would be glad to see if any wish to challenge my conclusions.”
Last Modified 5 Aug 2020Created 26 Aug 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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Research done and sourced whenever possible by Nancy L. Ratay or Myra S. Ratay. Other contributors noted in sources. Please verify information yourself as this is a work in progress. Last updated August 2022.