Ratay-Johnstone Ancestors - Person Sheet
Ratay-Johnstone Ancestors - Person Sheet
NameRobert Roelofse VAN HOUTEN
Birth11 Jan 1712, Totowa, Bergen County, New Jersey338
Death27 Jan 1786, Totowa, Bergen County, New Jersey755,338,691
Memoae:74 yrs, 16 days
BurialVan Houten Burial Ground
ReligionDutch Reformed
FatherRoelof Helmighse VAN HOUTEN (1677-1770)
MotherFeytje SICKELS (1690->1769)
Birth12 Nov 1715
Memofrom birth calculator with death record
Death7 Nov 1792755,691
Memoae:76 yrs, 11 mos.,25 days
BurialVan Houten Burial Ground
FatherAdriaen POST (1678-)
MotherElizabeth MERSELIS (1682-)
ChildrenRoelif R. (1747-1802)
 Adriyaan (1750-<1786)
 Cornelius (1753-1820)
 Feitye (1756-1806)
Notes for Robert Roelofse VAN HOUTEN
He lived on Totowa, a short distance west of Laurel Grove cemetery. The Van Houten burial ground is adjacent to North Twenty-fourth street, a few rods from the Lincoln Bridge, and a short distance in the rear of St. Joseph’s orphan asylum. (Nelson, History of Paterson)
Will notes for Robert Roelofse VAN HOUTEN
Will dated 11 Apr 1782, proved 2 Sep 1786
Witnessed by John Van Wincle, Cornelius Van Houten and Hessel Pietersie

Item it is my Will that that my beloved wife Elizabeth shall possess and enjoy all my estate both real and personal during the time she doth continue to be my widow and after the death or remariage of my said wife I give to my eldest Son Roelph Van Houten his heirs and assigns forever all that my lot of land whereon he now dwells containing about forty acres also all that my lot of land laying in the Hook betweeen the lots of Gerrebrant Van Houten and my brothers Cornelius and John Van Houtens containing about thirty acres also three acres of land to wit part of my lot laying between two lots belonging to my said brother John Van Houten which hereafter will be given to my grandson Adrian Van Houten said three acres to be taken from the Southermost end of said lot together with all the buildings previledges hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging. Item I give and bequeath to my said Grandson Adrian Van Houten and to his heirs and assigns forever all that my lot of land laying between the lot of Dirrick Van Gieson and my said brother John V Houten containing about seventeen acres also all that my lot of land laying between two lots of my said brother John Van Houten (excepting three acres given to my son Cornelius as abovesaid) also all my lot of land laying in the Hook laying between the lots of my brother Cornelius and John Van Winckel together with all the benefits previledges hereditarments and appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging. But it is my Will that all my land hereby given to my said grandson shall be and remain in the possession and enjoyment of my sons Roelph and Cornelius until my said Grandson shall come to the age of twenty one years. But if my said grandson Adrian should depart this life without issue then and in such case it is my Will that all the land hereby given unto him shall devolve unto my two sons Roelph and Cornelius to be by them equally divided to them their heirs and assigns forever Item I give to my eldest Son Roelph my Dutch book title Martelaers book for his birth right Item I give also to him his heirs and assigns my negro girl named (Dien) Item I give to my Son Cornelius his heirs and assigns my two negro girls named (Floor and Bet) Item also my two lardge augors Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Feitye now wife to Hessel Petersi her heirs and assigns my negro named (Cate) Item I give to my daughter Catriena now wife to John Post and to her heirs and assigns my negro girl named (Zen ) Item it also my Will that in a reasonable time after the death or remarriage of my said wife all the remainder of my moveable estate shall be equally divided between all my children to wit Roelph Cornelius and my grandson Adrien, Feitye and Catriena share and share alike.
Last Modified 5 Aug 2011Created 26 Aug 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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Research done and sourced whenever possible by Nancy L. Ratay or Myra S. Ratay. Other contributors noted in sources. Please verify information yourself as this is a work in progress. Last updated August 2022.