NameChristian THUSIUS 
Birthabt 1609, Naitschau, Thüringia2898,2899
Death27 Mar 1655, Nauendorf, Thüringia2900
Memoage 46 years at death
OccupationAdministrator Of Nauendorf Near Grossenstein
Birth12 Jun 1607, Lichtentanne, Saxony
Death20 Nov 1683, Nauendorf, Thüringia2901
Memo“Old age”
Marriage5 Oct 1630, Naitschau, Thüringia2802
Marr MemoPeter had marriage as in Naitschau, year 1630, page or record # 4
Notes for Christian THUSIUS
1623 Student in Leipzig
1637 Schlosschreiber in Ronneburg, Eastern Thuringia (i.e. "castle writer" = secretary to the electoral court of Saxony)
1641 Schreiber zu Mennsdorf now part of Paitzdorf east of Gera (Thuringia)
later Verwalter und Gerichtshalter des herrschaftlichen Gutes zu Naundorf bei Ronneburg
(Administrator and judicial authority of the feudal estate at Naundorf near Ronneburg)
05.10.1630 married Justina Streit at Naundorf
1655 buried in Naundorf
1674, “very honorable deceased Christian who was administrator of Naundorf near Grossenstein” as listed on son’s marriage document
He had 4 sons and 3 daughters