NameMarcus TURNEY 
Death27 Apr 1972, Mahoning County, Ohio19,5
Birth25 Jun 1915, Ellsworth, Trumbull County, Ohio3065
Death2 Apr 1990, Youngstown, Mahoning County, Ohio19,3065
Military notes for Marcus TURNEY
Name: Marcus Turney
Name (Original): TURNEY MARCUS
Event Type: Military Service
Event Date: 26 Apr 1944
Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law
Event Place: Ft Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, United States
Residence Place:
Race: White
Citizenship Status: citizen
Birth Year: 1911
Birthplace: OHIO
Education Level: Grammar school
Civilian Occupation: Semiskilled foundry occupations, n.e.c.
Marital Status: Married
Military Rank: Private
Army Branch: No branch assignment
Army Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men)
Source Reference: Civil Life
Serial Number: 35835287
Affiliate Publication Title: Electronic Army Serial Number Merged File, ca. 1938-1946
Affiliate ARC Identifier: 1263923
Box Film Number: 09995.61
Citing this Record:
"United States World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946," database, FamilySearch ( : 5 December 2014), Marcus Turney, enlisted 26 Apr 1944, Ft Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, United States; citing "Electronic Army Serial Number Merged File, ca. 1938-1946," database, The National Archives: Access to Archival Databases (AAD) ( : National Archives and Records Administration, 2002); NARA NAID 126323, National Archives at College Park, Maryland.
Census notes for Marcus TURNEY
1920 Ohio, Mahoning County, Beaver Township, E.D. 103, sheet 8B, film T625-1412
dwelling 181, family 181
Turney, Lot, head, male, white, age 46, married, born Ohio, father born Pennsylvania, mother born Ohio, miner at coal mine
---------, Cora, wife, female, white, age 40, married, born Ohio, parents born Ohio
---------, Russell, son, male, white, age 14, single, born Ohio, parents born Ohio
---------, George, son, male, white, age 12, single, born Ohio, parents born Ohio
---------, Thomas, son, male, white, age 11, single, born Ohio, parents born Ohio
---------, Marquis, son, male, white, age 8, single, born Ohio, parents born Ohio
---------, Woodrow, son, male, white, age 6, single, born Ohio, parents born Ohio
---------, Mary, daughter, female, white, age 3 7/12, single, born Ohio, parents born Ohio
1930 Ohio, Mahoning County, Green Township, E.D. 50-125, sheet 3B, film T626-1842
Calla, dwelling 69, family 71
Turney, Lot F., head, male, white, age 55, married at age 24, born Ohio, father born Pennsylvania, mother born Ohio, miner, coal mine
---------, Cora E., wife, female, white, age 50, married at age 23, born Ohio, parents born Pennsylvania
---------, Russell, son, male, white, age 25, single, born Ohio, parents born Ohio
---------, George, son, male, white, age 23, single, born Ohio, parents born Ohio
---------, Thomas, son, male, white, age 21, single, born Ohio, parents born Ohio
---------, Marcus, son, male, white, age 18, single, born Ohio, parents born Ohio
---------, Woodrow, son, male, white, age 16, single, born Ohio, parents born Ohio
---------, Mary, daughter, female, white, age 13, single, born Ohio, parents born Ohio
---------, Wade, son, male, white, age 10, single, born Ohio, parents born Ohio
1940 Ohio, Mahoning County, Ellsworth Township, E.D. 50-37, sheet 5A, stamped page 660 (taken 15 Apr 1940)
Bailey Corners [?] & Rosemont Rd., household, 81, owns, $400
Turney, Marcus, head, male, white, age 28, married, 8th grad, born Ohio, lived in same house in 1935, laborer of W.P.A. road project
———, Myrtle, wife, female, white, age 24, married, 4 yrs high school, born Ohio, lived in same house in 1935