Death5 Jan 2004, Henderson County, Kentucky3969,3972
BurialFernwood Cemetery, Henderson, Kentucky3969
Death5 May 2002, Henderson County, Kentucky3973
BurialFernwood Cemetery, Henderson, Kentucky3973
Census notes for Lorene RAKESTRAW
1930 Kentucky, Union County, Uniontown Precinct, Magisterial District 2, E.D. 113-4, sheet 4A, stamped page 63 (taken 8 Apr 1930)
End of Rockford Road, dwelling 61, family 61
Rakestraw, Clarence, head, rents, male, white, age 33, married at age 21, born Kentucky, parents born Kentucky, farmer
————-, Vera, wife, female, white, age 30, married at age 18, born Kentucky, parents born Kentucky
————-, Lorene, daughter, female, white, age 14, single, born Kentucky, parents born Kentucky
————-, George W., son, male, white, age 9, single, born Kentucky, parents born Kentucky
————-, Parvin C., son, male, white, age 8, single , born Kentucky, parents born Kentucky
————-, Thelma J., daughter, female, white, age 2 11/12, single , born Kentucky, parents born Kentucky
Ashby, Adis, roomer, female, white, age 26, single , born Kentucky, parents born Kentucky, teacher
Robbins, Franze, lodger, male, white, age 50, single , born Kentucky, parents born Kentucky, farmer
1940 Kentucky, Henderson County, Corydon, Mag. District 7, E.D. 51-21, sheet 4A, stamped page 318 (taken 25 Apr 1940)
this entry has a lot of cross-outs I think began another family and changed it, so cross-outs have nothing to do with this family; therefore, I left that off)
household 65, rents, $10
Eugene Westerman, head, male, white, age 24, married, 8th grade, born Kentucky, lived in Henderson County in 1935, farmer
Laurine —————, wife, female, white, age 23, married, 2 yrs high school, born Kentucky, lived in Henderson County in 1935
Joyce J. Westerman, daughter, female, white, age 4, single, , born Kentucky, lived in Henderson County in 1935
Shirley A. Westerman, daughter, female, white, age 7/12, single, , born Kentucky, lived in Henderson County in 1935
Obituary notes for Lorene RAKESTRAW
Evansville Courier & Press (IN) - Tuesday, January 6, 2004
MORGANFIELD -- Lorene Westerman, 87, died Monday, Jan. 5, 2004, at Redbanks Nursing Home in Henderson.
Surviving are a daughter, Mona Rideout; four stepdaughters, Joyce Barron, Shirley Ann Todd, Brenda Kay Duncan and Pam Buckman; three sisters, Joyce Higgs, Jean Shockley and Imadean Abbs; a brother, Tommy Rakestraw; 21 grandchildren; and 22 great-grandchildren.
Services 2 p.m. Wednesday at Whitsell Funeral Home, burial in Fernwood Cemetery in Henderson. Visitation is 1 to 8 p.m. today and from 8 a.m. to service time.