Ratay-Johnstone Ancestors - Person Sheet
Ratay-Johnstone Ancestors - Person Sheet
NameEleanor McBAIN
Birthabt 1862, England6695
Memo1865 in census record
Death25 Dec 1921, Cheyenne, Laramie County, Wyoming6695
Burial30 Dec 1921, Lakeview Cemetery, Cheyenne, Wyoming6752
Memolot 1312, space A
OccupationMother of 5 children
ReligionChurch of England
Birthabt 1860, England6695,6751
Memo1863 in census record
Death25 Oct 1944, Cheyenne, Laramie County, Wyoming6695,66,6751
Burial28 Oct 1944, Lakeview Cemetery, Cheyenne, Wyoming6696,6751
MemoLot 1312 Space B
FatherJames BRADLEY (~1816-<1881)
MotherJoyce JACKSON (~1826-<1871)
Marriageabt 1883, Cumberland, England6753
ChildrenJohn James (1883-1975)
 Maria (~1886-)
 Ada (1887-1979)
 Florence (~1891-1980)
 Robert Walter (1892-1960)
Obituary notes for Eleanor McBAIN
Wyoming State Tribune (Cheyenne, Wyoming), Monday, 26 December 1921, p. 1
Mrs. Isaac Bradley Dies At Residence
Mrs. Isaac Bradley, a resident of Cheyenne for 14 years, died at 11 o’clock last night in her home, 520 East Eighteenth street. Complications following rheumatism, from which Mrs. Bradley had suffered for a number of years, caused death. The Bradleys came to this country from England.
Mrs. Bradley’s death brought sadness to many homes in cheyenne. Always a devoted mother, she had lived in the city quietly, giving her entire time to her family. She was essentially a home woman and friends of the family who knew her will, admired her and found her a true friend. She was a member of tOak Leaf chapter of the Eastern Star and attended the last meeting of that organization December 16.
More than a year ago she went to the Pacific northwest on an extended trip and when she returned friends were glad to find she was much improved in health. Recently her condition had been less favorable.
Mrs. Bradley is survived by her husband, Isaac Bradley, and five children, Mrs. R.S. Davis of Edmonton, Canada; Mrs. T.A. Fayle, Petaluma, Calif.,’ Mrs. Florence Reed, Cheyenne, and John J. and R.W. Bradley, both of Cheyenne.
No time has been set as yet for the funeral services, but they will be held from the Bradley home, with interment in Lakeview cemetery. Hobbs, Huckfeldt and Finkbiner are in charge of arrangements.
Census notes for Eleanor McBAIN
1910 Wyoming , Laramie County, Cheyenne 2-wd, E.D. 81, sheet 10A, stamped page 118, film T624-1746
514 East 12 Street, dwelling 142, family 150
Bradley, Isaac, head, male, white, age 49, married once for 26 years, born England, parents born England, immigrated 1906, papers filed, proprietor clothing store
----------, Ellen, wife, female, white, age 48, married once for 26 years, mother of 5 children, 5 living, born England, parents born England, immigrated 1907
----------, John J., son, male, white, age 21, single, born England, parents born England, immigrated 1905, naturalized, farmer
----------, Ada, daughter, female, white, age 21, single, born England, parents born England, immigrated 1907, dressmaker
----------, Florence, daughter, female, white, age 19, single, born England, parents born England, immigrated 1907, stenographer
----------, Walter, son, male, white, age 17, single, born England parents born England, immigrated 1907
Davis, Robert S., son-in-law, male, white age 24, married once for 0 years (married during previous year), born Scotland, parents born Scotland, immigrated 1907, papers filed, machinist for railroad
-------, Marie B., daughter, female, white, age 24, married once for 0 years, born England, parents born England, immigrated 1907

Wyoming , Laramie, 2-wd Cheyenne 2-Dist, E.D. 38, sheet 3A, stamped page 50, film T625-2027
5202 Eighteenth St., dwelling 53, family 59
Bradley, Isacce, head, owns, male, white, age 59, married, immigrated 1906, born England, parents born England, car repair for railroad
----------, Ellen, wife, female, white, age 58, married, immigrated 1907, born England, parents born England
----------, Florence, daughter, female, white, age 26, single, immigrated 1907, naturalized 1912, born England, parents born England, stenographer
children on different page:
continuation of E.D. 38, sheet 24B, addendum
Bradley, Robert W., son, male, white, age 27, single, unknown immigration, naturalized, born England, parents born England, draftsman, State highway
Davis, Marie, daughter, female, white, age 34, married, unknown immigration, naturalized, born England, parents, England

Last Modified 21 Jul 2018Created 26 Aug 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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Research done and sourced whenever possible by Nancy L. Ratay or Myra S. Ratay. Other contributors noted in sources. Please verify information yourself as this is a work in progress. Last updated August 2022.