Ratay-Johnstone Ancestors - Person Sheet
Ratay-Johnstone Ancestors - Person Sheet
NameMary Cordel BEAN
Birth11 May 1847, Mahoning County, Ohio66
Death3 Dec 1883, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts66
BurialLakeview Cemetery, Cheyenne, Wyoming
Birth18 Jan 1845, Comstock, Washington County, New York
Death12 Apr 1931, Pasadena, Los Angeles County, California6704,6706
Burial20 Apr 1931, Lakeview Cemetery, Cheyenne, Wyoming6705
MemoLot 1150 Space C
Notes for Mary Cordel BEAN
Wife of James A. Moore of J. M. ranch near Jay Em, WY. After James' death in the 1870s, she married Rensselaer Schuyler Van Tassell.

She was the daughter of Peter Hench Bean and Mary Humphrey and the mother of Blanche Irene (Kuykendall)(Wigginton) buried here, Granville S. and James Alexander Moore Jr, who both died in California.

Daily Leader
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Tuesday, December 11, 1883

Funeral Obsequies of Mrs. Mary Van Tassell -
The Ceremonies - Procession - Resolutions

The last sad, solemn rites were held on Sunday over the remains of the late Mrs. Mary Van Tassell, who died in Boston, Mass., on the third day of the present month. It has been some years since this city has witnessed such an outpouring of citizens and carriages as were seen on this occasion, when one of the largest funeral processions that Has ever wended its way through the streets of the Magic City on its way to the final receptacle of the dead.

In a city vast yet voiceless,

Growing ever street on street, that stands up there on the hill, to lay away at rest forever and until the trump shall announce that time shall be no more, one who will be missed, and sadly missed, in Cheyenne. The funeral services were held at the late residence of the deceased, on upper Ferguson street.

It had been announced that the services were to be held at 9 o'clock in the afternoon, but long before that hour arrived a large concourse of people had gathered in and around the elegant Mansion and thronged the street and sidewalks in front. Carriages came from all parts of the city, until the Streets near the residence were literally choked with vehicles. In the meantime the old pioneers assembled at the city hall, appointed Major Talbot as their marshal, together with a committee on resolutions, consisting of Messrs. Carroll, Arnold and Wild, and headed by President Whltehead and Secretary Masl, of the Pioneers' organization, marched to the residence. There were nearly sixty of them.

The preamble and resolutions Which they adapted are as follows:

Whereas, It is with extreme sorrow and regret that the pioneers of Wyoming are today called upon to follow to the grave the remains of Mrs. Mary Van Taasell, who departed this life on the 3rd day of December, 1883, at Boston, in the state of Massachusetts,


Whereas, The members of this organization recognizing the fact that in her decease death has a sting and the grave a victory to those who survive her, desire to pay a fitting tribute to the Christian woman, the true wife and devoted mother who has passed through the gloomy gates of death into the peaceful rest of an immortal life; therefore be it

Resolved, That in her death this community has lost, and while bowing to the decree of the Supreme Ruler will sadly miss and deeply deplore one who in this life was the possessor of those attributes of heart and mind seldom given to those that have preceded or will follow her.

Resolved, That by her death an earthly guardian angel has been called from a faithful service in behalf of her weeping children, and a sorrowing husband to bid farewell to a fond wife and companion, and the poor and unfortunate a constant friend.

Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the bereaved husband, the desolate orphans and all other relatives and friends that mourn her death.

Resolved, That the members of this organization wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days as a mark of respect to the memory of the departed.

Resolved, That these resolutions be spread on the records: that a copy thereof be furnished to the family of the deceased, and copies to the daily papers of Cheyenne with the request that they be published.
W.P. Carroll,
M. A. Arnold,
John E. Wild,
Committee on Resolutions.
Cheyenne, December 9, 1883.

The pall bearers were Luke Voorhees, E. W. Whitcomb, T. A. Kent, G. A. Draper, J. W. Hammond and Mr. Jancks. Hon. F. E. Warren and T. B. Hicks had charge of the funeral. Dr. Rafter of the Episcopal church conducted the services, and the Episcopalian choir, consisting of Miss Trambing, Mrs. R. F. Glover and Messrs. Haines and Inman furnished the singing for the occasion. The remains were enclosed in an elegant metallic casket covered with silk velvet and with silver metal and mountings. Flowers in rich and rare profusion covered the casket almost literally.

At twenty minutes past two the services opened with prayer by the Rev. Dr. Rafter, followed by a beautiful Selection by the choir entitled, "Abide with Me." Dr. Rafter than proceeded to pronounce the brief but solemn and Impressive Episcopalian burial service,
which included a chant by the choir entitled. "I Heard a Voice." At the close of the service the choir sang that beautiful hymn, "Nearer my God to Thee."

During the singing of this beautiful hymn the vast throng of people passed through the room where the casket had been placed and took a last look at the white dead face of the departed and went out at the front entrance to the street and adjoining grounds. The casket was then placed in the hearse, the procession of ninety-one carriages and vehicles of all kinds, was formed, the Pioneers leading, and moved from the residence up Twenty-first street to Ransom street, thence northeast to the cemetery. At the grave the ceremonies were brief; prayer was offered, the coffin lowered to its receptacle, the benediction pronounced by Dr. Rafter and the last Journey was done and the weary form of Mary Van Tassell was at rest—asleep— "Asleep in Jesus" until the morning of the resurrection. 
Last Modified 21 Oct 2015Created 26 Aug 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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Research done and sourced whenever possible by Nancy L. Ratay or Myra S. Ratay. Other contributors noted in sources. Please verify information yourself as this is a work in progress. Last updated August 2022.