NameClara F. VAN DUSEN
Birth10 Nov 1894, Wilson, Niagara County, New York2410,2411
Education2 yrs high school
Birth27 Jun 1882, Wilson, Niagara County, New York2406,173,2407
Memo1900 census
Death10 Sep 1949, Medina, Orleans County, New York2408
BurialGreenwood Cemetery, Wilson, Niagara County, New York2408
Marriage6 May 1927, Wilson, Niagara County, New York2410
Marr MemoBaptist parsonage by Rev. George F. Haines
Census notes for Clara F. VAN DUSEN
1930 New York, Orleans County, Medina Village, E.D. 37-25, sheet 6A, stamped p. 241 (taken 7-8-9 Apr 1930)
708 1/2 Church Street, dwelling 175, family 169
Johnson, Cole, head, rents, $16, male, white, age 45, married at age 41, born New York, father born U.S., mother born New York, flagman, NYC crossing
————, Clara F., wife, female, white, age 34, married at age 32, born New York, father born Michigan mother born New York
1940 New York, Orleans County, Medina, Ridgeway Township, E.D. 37-22, sheet 2A, stamped page 222 (taken 3 Apr 1940)
169 State Street, household 41, owns, $1800
Johnson, Cole, head, male, white, age 55, married, 7th grade, born New York, lived in same place in 1935, flagman for N.Y.C. R.R.
————, Clara F., wife, female, white, age 45, married, 2 yrs high school, born New York, lived in same place in 1935
sheet 2B
Bonsteel, Florence, grandmother, female, white, age 86, widow, 8th grade, born New York, lived in Wilson, Niagara in 1935 [this is Clara’s grandmother]
Notes for Cole & Clara F. (Family)
The Niagara Falls Gazette, Friday 13 May 1927, p. 23, viewed at http://fultonhistory.comJohnson-Van Dusen
The marriage of Miss Clara F. Van Dusen of Franklin street, this village to Cole Johnson was solemnized on Monday, May 9th at 9:00 o’clock a.m. at the Baptist parsonage, Rev. George F. Haines officiating. The happy couple left later in the day for Middleport, where they will make their future home.