Ratay-Johnstone Ancestors - Person Sheet
Ratay-Johnstone Ancestors - Person Sheet
NameOscar Eugene JOHNSON
Birthabt 1872, Niagara County, New York
FatherOrrin Eugene JOHNSON (1848-1913)
MotherSarah McLEOD (1848-1903)
Birthabt 1877, Wisconsin
Marriage28 Feb 1908, Menominee, Menominee County, Michigan8027
Census notes for Oscar Eugene JOHNSON
1875 New York State Census, Niagara County, Newfane, p. 27
dwelling 247, frame, value $200, family 249
Orin V. Johnson, age 27, male, head, born Niagara, married, farmer
Sarah Johnson, age 27, female, wife, born Canada, married
Laura Johnson, age 4, female, daughter, born Michigan, single
Oscar Johnson, age 2 11/12 (?), son, born Niagara, single
Leetta Johnson, age 11/12, female, daughter, born Niagara, single

1900 Wisconsin, Brown County, Green Bay City, ward 2, E.D. 11, sheet 2A (taken 1 Jun 1900)
224 S. Walnut, dwelling 16, family 24 [numbers crossed out and renumbered]
Johnson, Oscar, head, white, male, Mar 1872, age 28, single, born New York, father born New York, mother born Canada, fireman?
Johnson, Lolla, sister, white, female, Feb 1873, age 27, divorced, mother of 0 children, born New York, father born New York, mother born Canada, housekeeper

1910 Wisconsin, Brown County, City of Green Bay, ward 8, E.D. 22, sheet, sheet 6B (taken 27 Apr 1910)
501 [street], dwelling 114, family 126
Johnson, Oscar E., head, male, white, age 38, married once for 2 years, born New York, parents born New York, laborer on boat line
————, Anne, wife, female, white, age 33, married once for 2 years, born Wisconsin, parents born Norway
Last Modified 3 Jan 2019Created 26 Aug 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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Research done and sourced whenever possible by Nancy L. Ratay or Myra S. Ratay. Other contributors noted in sources. Please verify information yourself as this is a work in progress. Last updated August 2022.