Ratay-Johnstone Ancestors - Person Sheet
NameMaria LASSING 
MemoJune or July (NYL)
BaptismJun 1687, Kingston Reformed Dutch Church, Ulster County, New York8313,8315
MemoSp. Mattys Mattyssen and Tjatade d’Witt
ReligionDutch Reformed
Alias/AKALassen; Marytie
Marriage12 Oct 1707, Highlands, New York8308,8316
Notes for Pieter & Maria (Family)
Early Records of the Lutheran Church, New York, 1697-1771 (Online Database: AmericanAncestors.org, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2014). Originally published as "Some Early Records of the Lutheran Church, New York", Year Book of the Holland Society of New York, The Knickerbocker Press, New York, 1903.
Marriage Record of Rev. Justus Falckner
Oct. 12 Peter Johansen, born at Bergen in Norway, and Maria, daughter of Pieter Lassen Brower's dau., beyond the Highland [sic]