NameCharles Beckwith HINDLE

MemoAB 307
Baptism27 Apr 1867, 2nd Reformed Church, Paterson, New Jersey158
Death31 May 1905, Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey395,396
MemoCirrhosis of Liver; Bright’s disease
Burial3 Jun 1905, Cedar Lawn Cemetery, McLean Boulevard, Paterson, NJ 07513, USA397,396
MemoSec 8 Lot 381
EducationProfessor McManus’ College
ReligionReformed, Presbyterian
Birth10 Sep 1868, Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey392,398
Memouse birth calculator
Death7 Apr 1949, Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey399,398
Memoae 80y 6 mo 28 da Chronic Nephritis
Burial11 Apr 1949, Cedar Lawn Cemetery, McLean Boulevard, Paterson, NJ 07513, USA399,400
MemoSec 8 Lot 379-382 Grave 11
Marriage4 Dec 1887, Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey392,401 
Marr Memogroom age 21; bride age 19; both of Paterson; married by Shaw
Notes for Charles Beckwith HINDLE
Charles B. Hindle is a son of John H. Hindle and at the time of his father's death was his partner in the undertaking business the firm being John H. Hindle & Son. Mr. Hindle is a native of Paterson, educated in the public schools of this city, and finished his studies with professor McManus. He was born in 1866, and is named after Charles Beckwith the ex-Congressman who was a warm friend of his father's. He is a Republican in politics, and has served as president of the Phelps Guards. He is a Morgue Keeper of the County by appointment of the Court, and a director in the Cedar Lawn Cemetery Co. He is a member of the Red Men, K. of P. and a stockholder in the First National Bank. A pay station of the New York & New Jersey Telephone Company is located in his store. He is happily married and the father of two bright boys. He was urged by his friends to become a candidate for the Legislature last fall, but withdrew his name before the canvass for delegates closed. He has added to the facilities since he purchased the handsome structure which we illustrate and has now the finest hearses, carriages and funeral appliances that money can buy. In his hands the excellent reputation of the firm is well maintained.
His last residence was 248 Van Houten St. in Paterson when he died in 1905.
Census notes for Charles Beckwith HINDLE
1870 New Jersey, Passaic County, 4th Ward Paterson, page 11, stamped page 407, film M593-885 (taken 15th July 1870)
dwelling 71, family 79
John Hindle, age 36, male, undertaker, real estate worth $6500, personal $17000, born New Jersey
Hester L.---, age 25, female, keeps house, born New York
John---------, age 14, male, school, born New Jersey
Daisy A.----, age 12, female, school, born New Jersey
Lizzie-------, age 9, female, school, born New Jersey
Charles------, age 4, male, at home, born New Jersey
Christina Fek??, age 23, female, domestic, born Holland, parents foreign born
1880 New Jersey, Passaic County, Paterson, E.D. 157, sheet 30, line 13, page 164B, film T9-796 (taken 9 June 1880)
115 Ellison St., dwelling 260, family 319
Hindle, John H., white, male, 47, head, undertaker, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey [actually born England]
--------, Hester L., white, female, age 34, wife, keeping house, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
--------, John, white, male, age 23, son, undertaker, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
--------, Daisy, white, female, age 19, daughter, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
--------, Elizabeth, white, female, age 17, daughter, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
--------, Charles B, white, male, age 13, son, at school, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
--------, Frank L., white, male, age 9, son, at school, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
1900 New Jersey, Passaic County, Paterson, E.D. 132, sheet 3A, stamped page 106, film T623-992 (taken 2 Jun 1900)
248 Van Houten Street, dwelling 36, family 45
Hindle, Charles B., head, white, male, June 1866, age 33, married 13 yrs, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey, undertaker
--------, Catharine, wife, white, female, Sept 1868, age 31, married 13 yrs, mother of 7 children, 6 living [?], born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
--------, John H., son, white, male, Feb 1888, age 12, single, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey, at school
--------, Fred C., son, white, male, Apr 1890, age 10, single, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey, at school
Jordan, John A., servant, white, male, July 1869, age 30, single, born New Jersey, father born Massachusetts, mother born New Jersey
Obituary notes for Charles Beckwith HINDLE
The Morning Call, 1 June 1905, p. 1CHARLES B. HINDLE’S SUFFERING ENDED
Well-Known Undertaker Succumbs After an Illness of Five Weeks- Had Been a Prominent Business Man for Years and Was Active in Political Life
Five weeks of suffering, patiently endured, were ended at 10:10 o’clock last evening in the death of Charles B. Hindle. He had been in an unconscious condition for two or three days, and his death was not unexpected.
There will be widespread sorrow and regret at the announcement of Mr. Hindle’s death. For years past he had been one of the city’s leading undertakers, and had also been prominently identified with politics in the county.
He was twice coroner of the county and also served as a police commissioner. He had taken an active interest in the welfare of the Republican party and was recognized as a leader in its councils.
A week or two ago it was announced that Mr. Hindle was failing and that medical skill was powerless to avert the end. He had been confined to his home, 248 Van Houten street, for upwards of a month, suffering from Bright’s disease and when it became known that the hand of death could not be stayed there was genuine sorrow.
Charles Beckwith Hindle was born in this city on June 8, 1866. His father, John H. Hindle, was a prominent man in his day, in political as well as business life, and it was he who established the undertaking business which was successfully carried on by the son. Charles B. Hindle attended the public schools of this city, and after receiving a thorough drilling in the fundamental rules entered Professor McManus’ college and finished there. Professor McManus afterward studied for the Catholic priesthood and is now the rector of a church at Vailsburg.
After receiving his schooling, Mr. Hindle engaged himself with his father as an undertaker and embalmer, and after a while was taken into partnership, the firm being styled John H. Hindle & Son. On the death of the father the business fell to the son, and for years was continued at the old stand, No. 115 Ellison street. This building was destroyed in the great fire of 1902.
Mr. Hindle had always been a stanch Republican, and had been identified with politics since a boy. He acted as a page in the senate for ex-Governor Griggs and the late Vice-President Hobart.
Mr. Hindle was elected for the last time as coroner in 1895, succeeding Dr. S. F. Wiley and taking charge of the last case prepared by the doctor. During his term of office Sheriff Quackenbush died. The law provides that one of the coroners shall take the position in the event of a death and Mr. Hindle took charge of the sheriff’s office until a permanent successor was named.
Mr. Hindle served on the police commission for a short time. The commission was legislated out of office when the Republican party came into control of state affairs.
For years Mr. Hindle had been the city’s leading undertaker, and had conducted all of the larger and more important funerals. He conducted the funeral of the late Vice-President Garret A. Hobart, Jacob S. Rogers, and other well-known citizens.
The deceased was a managing director of the Cedar Lawn cemetery, a member of the board of trade, the Business Men’s association, Fabiola lodge, Knights of Pythias; Paterson aerie, 43, Fraternal Order of Eagles; Paterson lodge No. 60, B.P.O. Elks, and was a former president of the Phelps guards, when that organization was regarded as the strongest political organization in the state.
Mr. Hindle took an especial interest in the Elks. He was always made a member of the committee in charge of the entertainment of the orphans and took pride in arranging for the successful outings.
In 1887 Mr. Hindle married Miss Katherine M. Mains, and his widow and two sons, John and Fred, are left to mourn his loss.
The funeral arrangements were not completed last evening, but it is likely that the obsequies will take place on Saturday afternoon.
Paterson Daily Press, 1 June 1905, view online at
Charles B. Hindle
Charles Beckwith Hindle died last night at 10:10 clock at his home, 248 Van Houten street, after an illness of five weeks with Bright’s disease. The deceased was a son of the late John H. Hindle, and was born in this city June 8, 1866. He was engaged in undertaking for many years, first with his father, and upon the latter’s death succeeded in the business, which he carried on up to the time of his death. He early showed a taste for politics, and when a youth served as a page in the State Senate for Senators Garret A. Hobart and John W. Griggs. He was elected Coroner on the Republican ticket in 1895, and during the vacancy in the Sheriff’s office caused by the death of Joseph H. Quackenbush he acted as Sheriff. Mr. Hindle was director of the Cedar Lawn Cemetery Company; a member of the Fabiola Lodge, Knights of Pythias, Paterson Lodge of Elks, Paterson Aerie of Eagles, and the Phelps Guards, of which he was president at one time. Mr. Hindle was married in 1887 to Miss Katherine M. Mains, and is survived by his wife and sons, John and Fred, and also by his mother, Mrs. Hester Hindle.
Mr. Hindle never missed one of the annual outings the Elks gave the orphans of the county, and he has served on early every committee since the first many years ago. He was generally chairman and a hard worker always. When not on the committee he was on the grounds just the same, and gave the greater part of the day to help make the stay of the youngsters pleasant. This month he will be missed from his accustomed place.
Will notes for Charles Beckwith HINDLE
Petition Book G p. 369
Probate begun 12 June 1905
Will: Book D2 p. 95
Inv.: Book Y p. 544
Creditor Limitation: 15 Mar 1906; Book G p. 313
Account Book T p. 620
Releases Book A3 p. 470
In the name of God,Amen. I, Charles B. Hindle of the City of Paterson in the County of Passaic and State of New Jersey, do hereby make, publish and declare this my last will and testament in the manner following:
I order and direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid and satisfied as soon as conveniently can be done after my decease.
I give, devise and bequeath all my property both real and personal and wheresoever situate of which I may died seized to my wife Katharine M. Hindle and my two children John H. Hindle and Fred C. Hindle equally share and share alike to them their heirs and assigns forever.
I hereby give to my executrix hereinafter named, full power and authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey any or all of my lands to any person or persons in fee simple or otherwise at public or private sale at such times and upon such terms as she shall think fit.
I constitute and appoint my said wife Katharine M. Hindle executrix of this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and set my seal this twenty first day of September in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety eight.
Chas. B. Hindle (L.S.)
Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named Charles B. Hindle to be his last will and testament in the presence of us who were present at the same time and subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence of the testator and each other and at his request.
Albert A. Wilcox 444 Ellison St., Paterson, N.J.
Alfred W. Greenwood 156 Seventeenth Ave., Paterson, N.J.