NamePeter W. WINTERS 
Birth1774, Campgaw, New Jersey484,485
Death26 Dec 1854, Passaic County, New Jersey486
Memoae: 80 Years
ReligionDutch Reformed
Birth16 Jul 1780, Clarkstown, Rockland County, New York487,488,489
Baptism16 Aug 1780, Reformed Dutch Church, Clarkstown, Rockland County, New York490
Memono sponsors
Death6 Dec 1880, Newark, Essex County, New Jersey158,491,492
Burial9 Dec 1880, Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey
Memofrom Second Reformed Church
Notes for Peter W. WINTERS
Peter was a farmer near Manchester, Passaic County, NJ.
Census notes for Peter W. WINTERS
1840 Census Passaic, Manchester in agriculture aged 64
1850 New Jersey, Passaic County, Manchester Township, p. 32 (taken 22 August 1850)
dwelling 167, family 255
Garret Doremus, age 33, male, grocer, born New Jersey
Rachel A.--------, age 28, female, born New Jersey
Charles G.,------, age 4, male, born New Jersey
Peter Winters, age 74, male, worth $1000, born New Jersey
Elizabeth------, age 70, female, born New York
Elizabeth Maze, age 18, female, born New Jersey
Will notes for Peter W. WINTERS
Will & Inventory 1854 Passaic County, NJ #00481 (Transcribed by Nancy Ratay from copy made of LDS Film #955713)
In the names of God Amen. I Peter W. Winter of the township of Franklin in the county of Bergen and State of New Jersey considering the uncertainty of theis mortal like, but being of sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be almighty God for the same do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say
First it is my will and I do order my Executors herein after named to satisfy and pay all my just debts and funeral expenses as soon as conveniently can be after my decease.
Secondly I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Elizabeth Winter all my lands and real estate to her own use as long as she shall remain my widow. I also give unto my said wife all my household goods and furniture and also the interest of my money all the above I give unto my said wife Elizabeth as long as she shall remain my widow in lieu of her right of dower in all of my estate.
Thirdly after the death or enter marriage of my said wife, Elizabeth, I give unto my son John Winter the sum of one hundred dollars
Fourthly I give and bequeath unto my grandson Albert Hopper son of my deceased daughter Ellen the sum of one hundred dollars to be paid to him when he arrives to the age of twenty one years is he should die before he arrives to the age of twenty one years and without issue at that time, then I give the sum unto my son John Winter
Fifthly all the remainder of my real and personal estate after the death or intermarriage of my said wife Elizabeth I give unto my seven children namely Margaret, the wife of Albert Pullis, William Winter, John Winter, Abraham Winter , Hannah the wife of Abrahm Post, Mary the wife of Aaron Roberts and Rachel Ann the wife of Garret Doremus to be divided between them in seven equal shares share and share alike and to their heirs and assigns forever.
and Lastly I do nominate, constitute and appoint my two sons Abraham Winter and John Winter and my son in law Albert Pullis Executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fourth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty six.
Signed Sealed published and declared by the above named Peter W. Winter to be his last will and testament in the presence of us who have herewith subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence of the testator and of each other,
Garret Van Dien
Henry Blauvelt Peter W. Winter
Catherine Blauvelt
Passaic County SS. Henry Blauvelt one of the witnesses in the annexed writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Peter W. Winters, the testator therein named, deceased being duly sworn doth depose and say that he saw the said testator sign and seal the said annexed(?) writing, and heard him publish and declare the same as and for his last will and testament that at the time of the doing thereof the said testator was of sound disposing mind as he verily believes that Garret Van Dien and Catherine Blauvelt the two other subscribing witnesses thereto were present at the same time with this deposent and together with him subscribed their names thus to as witnesses in the presence of the testator and of each other, and at the reequest of the testator and that the testator died more than two days ago sworn December 29th 1854 before me
John Hopper Surrogate/ Henry Blauvelt
Land notes for Peter W. WINTERS
Land Records:
15 Dec 1797 Abraham Van Voorhees, farmer of Franklin Twp. Bergen Co. NJ to Peter W. Winter (son of William Winter, the carpenter, now living), yeoman, of same, £351 5 schillings, 8 pence, Land situated within the Ramapough Tract in the township of Franklins, designated by lot number 43, butted and bounded as follows:
Beginning at small red oak tree, marked standing in a line of John and William Albertson tract, seven chains from their southwest corner and in a corner of lot 44, thence 1) north 15 degrees 38 minutes, east 54 chains and 50 links, thence 2) south 82 degrees 20 minutes, west nine chains and forty links, thence 3) south 56 degrees 33 minutes, west 29 chains and 58 links, thence 4) south 8 degrees 2 minutes, east 30 chains and 80 links thence 5) south 72 degrees 40 minutes, east 15 chains and 49 links to the place of beginning containing 104 acres by the return thereof dated 26th day of Jan 1797 and recorded in Book of Ramapough map and bounds p. 62, land Van Voorhis received from James Parker and Abraham Ogden 1 Aug 1794 and from Andrew Bell, James Parker and John Rattoone (?) bearing date 10 Feb 1797
Signed Abraham (x) Van Voorhees. Wit: Peter A. Westervelt and Abraham Westervelt.
29 May 1820
Land transaction between Garret Van Blarcum and Polly (wife) and Daniel DeGray and Peter W. Winter for $500.
Lands situated and lying in twp Franklin, place called Ponds, being first part of the estate of Jacob VanHouten, beginning at the stake in the line with Joseph Van Cleft, being the southwest corner of said lot of Van Clief and extending from there 1) south 58 degrees 40 minutes, east 5 chains and 13 links and 2) north 36 degrees 30 minutes east 70 chains, 3) north 55 degrees west 90 links, 4) north 35 degrees east on a row of apple trees 14 chains, 5) north 54 degrees, east 4 chains 55 links to the middle of the road then 6) north 35 degrees west 66 links to row of apple trees, 7) along said row of apple trees, north 54 degrees east 4 chains 15 links to pond formerly Crooked Pond, 8) north 21 degrees west 3 chains 56 links, 9) south 72 degrees 30 minutes west 1 chain 50 links, 10) south 43 degrees west 3 chains 98 links to lands of Van Clief and along south 36 degrees 30 minutes west 44 chains 20 links; contains 22 acres and 53/100 acre.