NameJohannes POST 
Baptism10 Jun 1689, Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey715,716,717
MemoPompton Plains lists 1690, Catrina a widow; Wit: Hermanus Gerritse, Cristoffel Steymets, Catryna Michielse the wife of Walingh Jacobs
ReligionDutch Reformed
Birth16 Oct 1693, Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey718,719
Baptism12 Nov 1693, Reformed Dutch Church, New Amsterdam, New York720
MemoWit:Gerrit Jeuriaenszen, Belitje Dircx
Marriage8 Oct 1713, Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey721,722,723
Marr Memono date in Bergen Records
ChildrenCatrina (Died as Infant) (1713-<1720)
Birth16 Oct 1693, Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey716
Baptism12 Nov 1693, Reformed Dutch Church In New Amsterdam, New York720
MemoWit:Gerrit Jeuriaenszen, Belitje Dircx
Marriage8 Oct 1713, Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey
Marr Memono date in Bergen Records
Will notes for Johannes POST
In the name of God amen I Johannis Post of Sadle River in the County of Bergin and In the Eastern Division of New Jersey yeoman Being in Good Health of Body and of Perfect mind and memory Thanks be Given unto God Calling to mind the Mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed unto all men Once to Die do make and Ordain this my Last Will and Testament, That is to say Principally and first of all I Give my soul into the Hand of Almighty God that Gave it and my Body I Recommend to the Earth to be Buried in Decent Christian Burial at the Discreation of my Executors not Doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall Receive the same again by the Almighty power of God, And as touching such Estate wherewith God hath been pleased to bless me in this Life I Give Demise & Dispose of. the same in the following manner & form Imprimis, I Give and Bequeath unto my Oldest son Adriaen my Bible for his Birth-right To my son Cornelius I Give all my Farming Utensils then my Just Debts (if any there be) must be paid out of the Then Remaining pan of my Moveables, the Then Remaining Mow bles must be Divided Between all my Children or their Heirs or Assigns Namely Adriaen, Helmich, Gerrit, Peter, John, Cornell", Jannitye. and Antye, Equally share and share Alike. Item my Lands I Give unto my three sons Peter, John. and Cornelius their Heirs or Assigns that is to say, unto my son John or his Heirs or Assigns the fourth part of the Breadth of the Lott I Dwell upon Extending from the River Pasaick to the Rear of said Land Excepting the Mowing which lies in said part of Land this fourth part is the Southermost pan of said Lott of Land Joining to the Land of Thomas Van Repene. And I also Give to my son Peter or his Hein or Assigns one fourth part of the Breadth of Lott of Land Next to my am John's part Extending from said River to the Rear of said Land. And also one Square Acre of Land out of the Southwesterly Corner of the Moiety or half of my Said Land Excepting the mowing Ground which Lies in said fourth part of Land. I Also Give unto my son Cornelius or his Heirs or Assigns the other Moiety or half of my said Lott of land with my Dwelling.... more to scan
Notes for Johannes & Elizabeth (Family)
1714 08 Oct; Johannes Post jm; Elisabeth Helmigze Van Houten.
Notes for Johannes & Elizabeth (Family)
1714 08 Oct; Johannes Post jm; Elisabeth Helmigze Van Houten.