NameCosyn HARING 
Birth3 Feb 1669, New Amsterdam, New York
Baptism3 May 1669, Reformed Dutch Church, New Amsterdam, New York720,978
MemoWit: Vrouwtie Gerrits
ReligionDutch Reformed
Birth1670, New Amsterdam, New York
Baptism26 Mar 1670, Reformed Dutch Church, New Amsterdam, New York720
MemoWit: Abraham Lambertszen, Jacomyntie Dartellbeeck
Notes for Cosyn HARING
He was a patentee at Tappan in 1686 and acquired over 900 acres. He was assessor in 1708 and in 1715 a member of local milita of which he was commissioned Captain in 1717. He was Deacon of the Tappan Church in 1698 and an Elder in 1713.
Will notes for Cosyn HARING
Abstracts of Wills Vol III 1730-1744, pages 394 & 395:
Page 60.--In the name of God, Amen. September 13, 1733. I, COZYN HARRING, of Tappan, in Orange County, yeoman, being in good health. My wife Marytie, whom I make executor, shall have, hold, and enjoy all that plantation where I do live at present, at Old Tappan. All that land which lyeth between the Common road and the land of Cornelius Switz, with all its appurtenances, and all movable effects, during her widowhood. After her decease I leave to my son John Harring all that my land where my said son doth live upon. That is to say, all that my land that lyeth between the Little Hills (or else the Little Mountains) and the land of Roelof Van Houten, according to the bounds and limit of my deed, except 1/2 the meadow within said bounds. I leave to my daughter Maritie, wife of Johanes Bogart, all that my land known by the name of Henry (?) meadow; Also a lot of land lying at a place called the Greenbush, both lying in said Tappan. I leave to my daughter Grietie, wife of Jacobus
Demarest, all the northeasterly half of my plantation where I dwell at present, adjoining to the land of Cornelius Smith; Also 1/2 of the land which belongs to said farm or plantation, "known by the name of the Little Mountains," And 1/4 of the meadow. I leave to my grand-children, viz.: Geritt Eckerson, Wilempe Eckerson, and Cornelius Eckerson, the children of my daughter Maria, deceased, all the southwest part of my farm or plantation where I live, lying between the Common road and the partition fence, except my house and barn, and one row of apple trees; Also 1/2 of the tract called the Little Mountains, which belongs to said farm, and 1/4 of the meadow. I leave
to my son John, œ50, and he is to be guardian of my grand-children.
Witnesses, David Demorest, Jacob Fleerboom, John Fleerboom. Proved before
Henry Ludlow, Esq., June 16, 1743