NameKatie M. 
Death18 Feb 1922, Whitehall, Muskegon County, Michigan1026,1027
BurialOakhurst Cemetery, Whitehall, Michigan1028
OccupationMother of 3 children, 2 surviving
BirthMar 1844, New York
Memo1900 census
Death25 Apr 1915, Morgan, Colorado1029
Census notes for Katie M.
1880 Michigan, Muskegon County, Village of Whitehall, E.D. 185, sheet 12D
dwelling 131, family 133
Johnson, Dallas, white, male, age 35, head, married, butcher, born New York, parents born New York
----------, Katie, white, female, age 30, wife, married, keeping house, born Germany, parents born Germany
----------, Dallas L., white, male, age 2, son, single, born Michigan, father born New York, mother born Germany
----------, Glenn H., white, male, age 6/12, born Dec, son, single, born Michigan, father born New York, mother born Germany
Osborn, Mamie, white, female, age 18, single, at home, born Indiana, parents born Indiana
1900 Michigan, Muskegon County, Whitehall Township, E.D. 82, sheet 15A, stamped page 206
dwelling 349, family 360
Johnson, Dallas, head, white, male, Mar 1844, age 56, married for 28 years, born New York, parents born New York, navigator on lake
Johnson, Katie, wife, white, female, Dec 1849, age 50, married for 28 years, mother of 3 children, 3 living, born Germany, parents born Germany, imm 1852
----------, Dallas L., son, white, male, May 1878, age 22, single, born Michigan, father born New York, mother born Germany, telephone lineman
----------, Glenn H., son, white, male, Nov 1879, age 20, single, born Michigan, father born New York, mother born Germany, druggist
1910 Michigan, Muskegon County, Whitehall Township, Whitehall Village, E.D. 99, sheet 16A, stamped page 193
Division St., dwelling 365, family 387
Johnson, Katie M., head, female, white, age 60, widow, mother of 3 children, 2 living, born Germany, parents born Germany
----------, Glenn H., son, male, white, age 30, single, born Michigan, father born New York, mother born Germany, retail merchant, druggist
1920 Michigan, Muskegon County, Whitehall Township, Whitehall Village, E.D. 158, sheet 1A, stamped page 266
Division Street, dwelling 6, family 6
Johnson, Katie, head, owns, female, white, age 70, widow, imm 1850, naturalized 1871, born Germany, parents born Germany
----------, Glenn, son, male, white, age 40, single, born Michigan, father born New York, mother born Germany, retail merchant, druggist