1001. "Michigan Marriages, 1868-1925," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 2 April 2020), E. Bird Gifford and Allie Drinkwalter, 30 Apr 1893; citing Marriage, Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, , Citing Secretary of State, Department of Vital Records, Lansing; FHL microfilm 4207817.
1002. “Find-a-Grave,”, #58872004; has 1871 on death certificate.
1003. “Find-a-Grave,”, #58872004.
1004. Family History Library, “Illinois Deaths and Stillbirths, 1916-1947,” ( accessed 14 August 2010), #58872004.
1005. “Family Archives, Genealogical Records CD: Colonial New Jersey Source Records, 1600s-1800s,” #518, Family Tree Maker, Broderbund, Bergen Church Records #94.
Family Archives, Genealogical Records CD: Colonial New Jersey Source Records, 1600s-1800s, #518, Family Tree Maker, Broderbund.
1006. Voorhis D. Demarest, President, The Demarest Family, Demarest Family Association, Hackensack, NJ, 1, 1964, says died New York City.
1007. Holland Society of New York, Records of Reformed Dutch Churches of Hackensack and Schraalenburgh, New Jersey, Holland Society of New York, Vol. 1 Part 1, 1891, Records of the Reformed Dutch Churches of Hackensack and Schraalenburgh, New Jersey, Englewood, New Jersey: Bergen Historic Books, original copyright 1891; reprint 1998, Vol. 1, part 1, p.91.
1008. Arthur C. M. Kelly, Baptism Record of Tappan Reformed Church, Tappan, Rockland County, NY 1694-1899, Kinship, Rhinebeck, NY, 1998, #1203.
1009. Indiana, Birth Certificates, 1907-1940 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2016.
Original data: Indiana State Board of Health. Birth Certificates, 1907-1940. Microfilm. Indiana Archives and Records Administration, Indianapolis, Indiana. Search for the name.
birth of son Glendal Ray.
1010. “Indiana Vital Records: Birth Index 1850-1920,” ACD-0222, ProQuest/Heritage Quest, Extracted from Indiana WPA Project 1942 for 68 counties, Book H-3, page 17, Fiche 4161, gives 15 Nov 1903.
1011. Indiana, Death Certificates, 1899-2011 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015. Original data: Indiana State Board of Health. Death Certificates, 1900–2011. Microfilm. Indiana Archives and Records Administration, Indianapolis, Indiana. Search for this name. gives birth year as 1908.
1012. Dubois County Genealogical Society, Dubois County Marraiages May 1955-Jun 1978, 2009.
1013. Brenda Hendricks, “Fred Negley Werremeyer Jr. Information,” 17 January 2011.
1014. Wayne Werremeyer, “Dan M Werremeyer,” 2 January 2017, Email to Nancy Ratay regarding updates to Werremeyer information.
1015. NewsBank, Inc., “NewsBank: America’s Obituaries and Death Notices,”, 4/15/2004.
1016. U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.
Original data: Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007.
1017. Indiana Works Progress Administration, Index to Birth Records Pike County Indiana, 1940.
1018. Dubois County Genealogical Society, Dubois County Marriages April 1927 - May 1955, 2007.
1019. California Death Index, 1940-1997. [database online] Provo, UT:, 2000. Original electronic data: State of California. California Death Index, 1940-1997. Sacramento, CA: State of California Department of Health Services, Center for Health Statistics, 19--.
1020. Indiana, Birth Certificates, 1907-1940 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2016.
Original data: Indiana State Board of Health. Birth Certificates, 1907-1940. Microfilm. Indiana Archives and Records Administration, Indianapolis, Indiana. Search for the name.
1021. “Find-a-Grave,”, # 53673494.
1022. New York Department of Health; Albany, NY; NY State Death Index; Certificate Number: 38501; New York, Death Index, 1880-1956 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2017.
1023. “Find-a-Grave,”, # 53673597.
1024. “Lifelong Resident of Niagara Dies (Olive Tower),” The Evening News, North Tonawanda, New York, 23 October 1916, p. 1, pdf image of newspaper, viewed at, age 75.
1025. “Lifelong Resident of Niagara Dies (Olive Tower),” The Evening News, North Tonawanda, New York, 23 October 1916, p. 1, pdf image of newspaper, viewed at
1026. "Michigan Death Certificates, 1921-1952," database, FamilySearch ( : 13 March 2018), Katie M Johnson, 18 Feb 1922; citing Whitehall, Muskegon, Michigan, United States, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Lansing; FHL microfilm 1,973,033.
1027. “Find-a-Grave,”, #71235237; just gives year.
1028. “Find-a-Grave,”, #71235237.
1029. "United States Veterans Administration Pension Payment Cards, 1907-1933," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 11 March 2018), Perry V D Johnson, 1907-1933; citing NARA microfilm publication M850 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 1,635,218.
1030. “Find-a-Grave,”, #85435113.
1031. “Find-a-Grave,”, #85435472.
1032. “Find-a-Grave,”, #71589570.
1033. Cook County, Illinois Death Index, 1908-1988 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2008. Original data: Cook County Clerk. Cook County Clerk Genealogy Records. Cook County Clerk’s Office, Chicago, IL: Cook County Clerk, 2008.
1034. “Find-a-Grave,”, # 53882138.
1035. “Find-a-Grave,”, # 53882185.
1036. "Michigan, Births, 1867-1902," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 13 July 2012), Eugene Johnson in entry for Harry Johnson, 1881. no maiden name given for mother.
1037. "Michigan Death Certificates, 1921-1952," database, FamilySearch ( : 12 December 2014), Harry Johnson, 04 Jan 1928; citing River Rouge, Wayne, Michigan, United States, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Lansing; FHL microfilm 1,973,159.
1038. Descendants of Daniel Levan, on, owner Voyager98, Family Trees, accessed 15 July 2012.
1039. Menands, New York, Albany Rural Cemetery Burial Cards, 1791-2011 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. Original data: Albany Rural Cemetery Internment Cards. Menands, New York: Albany Rural Cemetery.
1040. “Find-a-Grave,”, # 162526073.
1041. “Find-a-Grave,”, # 162526029.
1042. “Find-a-Grave,”, # 80453567; gives year 1868.
1043. “Find-a-Grave,”, # 80453567.
1044. “Find-a-Grave,”, 80454931.
1045. New York Department of Health; Albany, NY; NY State Death Index; Certificate Number: 1294 New York, Death Index, 1880-1956 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2017. Original data: NY State Death Index, New York Department of Health, Albany, NY.
1046. “Batavia Residents Married 50 Years,” The Daily News, Batavia, New York, 4 February 1941, p. 3, digital image of newspaper, viewed at
1047. “Find-a-Grave,”, # 93166776; gives year only.
1048. Descendants of Daniel Levan, on, owner Voyager98, Family Trees, accessed 15 July 2012. has 17 Feb 1925 as death in Cleveland; she’s not in 1920 census with Edward.
1049. “Find-a-Grave,”, # 93166776.
1050. “Find-a-Grave,”, #155117480.
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