8801. “Burial of Johann Kern “the Other”,” 12 August 1751, Leutershausen, Bavaria, Bayern: Landeskirchliches Archiv der Evang.-Luth. Kirche > Dekanat Leutershausen > Leutershausen > Bestattungen 1673-1764, page 249, record #35, image 135, digital image of Mikrofisches 9.5.0001-663-22, (viewed at : 20 Nov 2020), Image: JohConradAndJohanKernDeath1751.png.
8802. “Baptism of Johann Konrad Kern,” 30 August 1752, Leutershausen, Bavaria, Bayern: Landeskirchliches Archiv der Evang.-Luth. Kirche > Dekanat Leutershausen > Leutershausen > Taufen 1731-1763, page 262, record #40, image 168, digital image of Mikrofisches 9.5.0001 - 663-4, (viewed at : 20 Nov 2020), Image: JohannConradKernBapt1752.png.
8803. “Baptism of Jacob Friedrich Kern,” 25 January 1754, Leutershausen, Bavaria, Bayern: Landeskirchliches Archiv der Evang.-Luth. Kirche > Dekanat Leutershausen > Leutershausen > Taufen 1731-1763, page 272, record #4, image 176, digital image of Mikrofisches 9.5.0001 - 663-4, (viewed at : 20 Nov 2020), Image: JacobFriedrichKernBapt1754.png.
8804. “Baptism of Jacob Friedrich Kern,” 26 June 1755, Leutershausen, Bavaria, Bayern: Landeskirchliches Archiv der Evang.-Luth. Kirche > Dekanat Leutershausen > Leutershausen > Taufen 1731-1763, page 283, record #25, image 182, digital image of Mikrofisches 9.5.0001 - 663-4, (viewed at : 20 Nov 2020), Image: JacobFriedrichKernBapt1755.png.
8805. “Baptism of Johann Christoph Kern,” 12 August 1756, Leutershausen, Bavaria, Bayern: Landeskirchliches Archiv der Evang.-Luth. Kirche > Dekanat Leutershausen > Leutershausen > Taufen 1731-1763, page 292, record #45, image 187, digital image of Mikrofisches 9.5.0001 - 663-4, (viewed at : 20 Nov 2020), Image: JohannChristophKernBapt1756.png.
8806. “Baptism of Johann Leonhard Kern,” 5 August 1758, Leutershausen, Bavaria, Bayern: Landeskirchliches Archiv der Evang.-Luth. Kirche > Dekanat Leutershausen > Leutershausen > Taufen 1731-1763, page 307, record #32, image 194, digital image of Mikrofisches 9.5.0001 - 663-4, (viewed at : 20 Nov 2020), Image: JohannLeonhardKernBapt1758.png.
8807. “Burial of Johann Leonhard Kern,” 12 August 1751, Leutershausen, Bavaria, Bayern: Landeskirchliches Archiv der Evang.-Luth. Kirche > Dekanat Leutershausen > Leutershausen > Bestattungen 1673-1764, page 264, record #38, image 144, digital image of Mikrofisches 9.5.0001-663-22, (viewed at : 20 Nov 2020), Image: JohannLeonhardKernDeath1758.png.
8808. “Baptism of Maria Barbara Kern,” 22 January 1760, Leutershausen, Bavaria, Bayern: Landeskirchliches Archiv der Evang.-Luth. Kirche > Dekanat Leutershausen > Leutershausen > Taufen 1731-1763, page 320, record #3, image 201, digital image of Mikrofisches 9.5.0001 - 663-4, (viewed at : 20 Nov 2020), Image: MariaBarbaraKernBapt1760.png.
8809. “Baptism of Jan Nepomuk Kolař,” 25 Mar 1819, Pribram, Bohemia, Baptisms, 1817-1831, Pribram 011, image 043, p. 39, ( accessed 3 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_011__043JanNepomukKolarBapt1819.jpg.
8810. “Death and Burial of Jan Nepomuk Kolář,” 27 September 1866, Kladno, Bohemia, Deaths 1864-1872, Kladno 055, image 92, p. 90, ( : accessed 22 November 2021), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Kladno_55__092JanNKolarDeath1866.jpg.
8811. “Marriage of Jan Kolař and Anna Reindel,” 5 February 1844, Přibram, Bohemia, Marriages 1835-1851, Příbram 049, image 136, p. 148, ( : accessed 3 December 2021), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_049__136MarrJanKolarAnnaReindel1844.jpg.
8812. “Baptism of Barbora Nepomuk Kolař,” 11 February 1817, Pribram, Bohemia, Baptisms, 1817-1831, Pribram 011, image 007, p. 3, ( accessed 3 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_011__007BarboraNepomukKolarBapt1817.jpg.
8813. “Baptism of Josepha Kolař,” 28 Oct 1814, Pribram, Bohemia, Baptisms, 1799-1817, Pribram 010, image 201, p. 198, ( accessed 3 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_010__201JosephaKolarBapt1814.jpg.
8814. “Death and Burial of Josefa Kolarova,” 15 September 1850, Přibram, Bohemia, Deaths 1847-1853, Pribram 057, image 89, p. 86, ( accessed 10 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_057__089DeathJosefaKolar1850.jpg.
8815. “Baptism of J Vaclav Kolař,” 21 September 1807, Přibram, Bohemia, Baptisms, 1799-1817, Pribram 010, image 109, p. 106, ( accessed 3 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_010__109JVaclavKolarBapt1807.jpg.
8816. “Marriage of Vaclav Kolař and Anna Turek,” 25 June 1842, Přibram, Bohemia, Marriages 1835-1868, Pribram 046, image 075, p. 71, ( : accessed 3 December 2021), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_046__075MarrVaclavKolarAndAnnaTurek1842.jpg.
8817. “Baptism of Marya Kolař,” 26 January 1810, Starý Rožmitál, Central Bohemia, Baptisms, 1795-1811, Starý Rožmitál 12, image 388, p. 73, ( : accessed 4 December 2021), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Stary_Rozmital_12__038BaptMaryaKolar1810.jpg.
8818. “Marriage of Jozef Grafneter and Marya Kolar,” 23 October 1832, Přibram, Bohemia, Marriages 1801-1835, Pribram 045, image 118, p. 117, ( accessed 3 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_045__118MaryaKolarMarr1832Age23.jpg.
8819. “Marriage of Jozef Dauhalka and Anna Kolar,” 16 November 1835, Přibram, Bohemia, Marriages 1835-1868, Pribram 046, image 011, p. 7, (http://ebadatelna.soapraha.czn: accessed 3 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_046__011JozefDauhaulkaAnnaKolarMarr1835.jpg.
8820. “Baptism of Anna Alžběta Grafneter,” 11 July 1833, Přibram, Bohemia, Baptisms, 1831-1842, Pribram 012, image 065, p. 62, ( accessed 3 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_012__065BaptAnnaAlzbetaGrafneter1833.jpg.
8821. “Baptism of Jan Zymund Grafneter,” 14 May 1835, Přibram, Bohemia, Baptisms, 1831-1842, Pribram 012, image 133, p. 130, ( accessed 3 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_012__133BaptJanZygmundGrafneter1835.jpg.
8822. “Baptism of Rosalie Anna Daňhelka,” 19 August 1836, Přibram, Bohemia, Baptisms, 1831-1842, Pribram 012, image 186, p. 183, ( accessed 11 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_012__186BaptRosalieAnnaDanhelka1836.jpg.
8823. “Baptism of Eva Grafneter,” 18 December 1837, Přibram, Bohemia, Baptisms, 1831-1842, Pribram 012, image 231, p. 228, ( accessed 3 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_012__231BaptEvaGrafneter1837.jpg.
8824. “Baptism of František ???? Daňhelka,” 18 November 1838, Přibram, Bohemia, Baptisms, 1831-1842, Pribram 012, image 267, p. 264, ( accessed 11 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_012__267BaptFrantisekDanhelka1838.jpg.
8825. “Baptism of Marya Grafneter,” 23 dec 1838, Přibram, Bohemia, Baptisms, 1831-1842, Pribram 012, image 272, p. 269, ( accessed 3 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_012__272BaptMaryaGrafneter1838.jpg.
8826. “Baptism of Anna Daňhelka,” 15 September 1840, Přibram, Bohemia, Baptisms, 1831-1842, Pribram 012, image 354, p. 351, ( accessed 11 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_012__354BaptAnnaDanihelka1840.jpg.
8827. “Baptism of Marya Daňhelka,” 21 November 1842, Přibram, Bohemia, Baptisms, 1842-1845, Pribram 013, image 019, p. 16, ( accessed 11 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_013__019BaptMaryaDanhelka1842.jpg.
8828. “Baptism of Vavřinec Daňhelka,” 27 November 1844, Přibram, Bohemia, Baptisms, 1842-1845, Pribram 013, image 144, p. 140, ( accessed 11 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_013__144BaptVavrinecDanhelka1844.jpg.
8829. “Baptism of Jozefa Grafneter,” 23 February 1841, Přibram, Bohemia, Baptisms, 1831-1842, Pribram 012, image 379, p. 376, ( accessed 10 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_012__379BaptJozefaGrafneter1841.jpg.
8830. “Baptism of Alžběta Grafneter,” 20 November 1845, Přibram, Bohemia, Baptisms, 1845-1848, Pribram 014, image 026, p. 24, ( accessed 10 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_014__026BaptAlzbetaGrafneter1845.jpg.
8831. “Baptism of Jozef Danielka,” 9 April 1847, Přibram, Bohemia, Baptisms, 1845-1848, Pribram 014, image 131, p. 128, ( accessed 10 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_014__131BaptJozefDanielka1847.jpg.
8832. “Baptism of Jan Grafneter,” 16 May 1848, Přibram, Bohemia, Baptisms, 1845-1848, Pribram 014, image 228, p. 225, ( accessed 10 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_014__228BaptJanGrafneter1848.jpg.
8833. “Baptism of Anna Daňhelka,” 5 October 1849, Přibram, Bohemia, Baptisms, 1848-1851, Pribram 015, image 094, p. 91, ( accessed 10 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_015__094BaptAnnaDanhelka1849.jpg.
8834. “Death and Burial of Anna Daňelkowa,” 25 August. 1850, Přibram, Bohemia, Deaths 1847-1853, Pribram 057, image 88, p. 85, ( accessed 10 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_057__088DeathAnnaDanhelka1850.jpg.
8835. “Baptism of Sofie Daňhelka,” 5 October 1849, Přibram, Bohemia, Baptisms, 1851-1855, Pribram 016, image 050, p. 47, ( accessed 10 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_016__050BaptSofieDanhelka1852.jpg.
8836. “Baptism of Veronika Daňhelka,” 4 February 11857, Přibram, Bohemia, Baptisms, 1855-1858, Pribram 016, image 119, p. 116, ( accessed 10 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_017__119BaptVeronikaDanhelka1857.jpg.
8837. “Baptism of Veronika Daňhelka,” 4 February 11857, Přibram, Bohemia, Baptisms, 1855-1858, Pribram 016, image 119, p. 116, ( accessed 10 December 2020), State Regional Archives in Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Image: Pribram_017__119BaptVeronikaDanhelka1857.jpg, Death date noted on baptismal record.
8838. Indiana, Death Certificates, 1899-2011 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015. Original data: Indiana State Board of Health. Death Certificates, 1900–2011. Microfilm. Indiana Archives and Records Administration, Indianapolis, Indiana. Search for this name. Gives 1910 as year.
8839. Kentucky Birth Index, 1911-1999 [database online]. Provo, Utah:, Inc., 2005. Original data: Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives Kentucky Birth, Marriage, and Death Databases: Births 1911-1999. Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky. Recorded in 1911.
8840. Indiana, U.S., Select Marriages Index, 1748-1993 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. Original data: Indiana, Marriages. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013.
8841. Indiana, U.S., WPA Birth Index, 1880-1920 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2000. Original data: Works Progress Administration. Index to Birth Records. Indiana: Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938-1940. Includes names of parents.
8842. Indiana, Birth Certificates, 1907-1940 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2016.
Original data: Indiana State Board of Health. Birth Certificates, 1907-1940. Microfilm. Indiana Archives and Records Administration, Indianapolis, Indiana. Search for the name.
Lists names of parents, age, occupation.
8843. Indiana, Death Certificates, 1899-2011 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015. Original data: Indiana State Board of Health. Death Certificates, 1900–2011. Microfilm. Indiana Archives and Records Administration, Indianapolis, Indiana. Search for this name. Lists mother as Vivian Berg; information from daughter Nancy.
8844. Indiana, Birth Certificates, 1907-1940 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2016.
Original data: Indiana State Board of Health. Birth Certificates, 1907-1940. Microfilm. Indiana Archives and Records Administration, Indianapolis, Indiana. Search for the name.
Gives names of parents, age, occupation.
8845. Indiana, Birth Certificates, 1907-1940 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2016.
Original data: Indiana State Board of Health. Birth Certificates, 1907-1940. Microfilm. Indiana Archives and Records Administration, Indianapolis, Indiana. Search for the name.
Gives parents names, ages and occupation.
8846. U.S. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007. Original data: United States, Selective Service System. Selective Service Registration Cards, World War II: Fourth Registration. National Archives and Records Administration Branch locations: National Archives and Records Administration Region Branches. Lists father as contact.
8847. "France, registres protestants, 1536-1897," database with images, FamilySearch( : 19 February 2021), Pierre Clause in entry for Ester Clause, 31 Dec 1631; citing Baptism, Societe de L'histoire du Protestantisme Francais (Society of the History of French Protestantism), Paris. Image: EsterClosseBaptism1631.jpg
8848. "France, registres protestants, 1536-1897," database with images, FamilySearch( : 19 February 2021), Pierre Clausse in entry for Judit Clausse, 08 Nov 1635; citing Baptism, Societe de L'histoire du Protestantisme Francais (Society of the History of French Protestantism), Paris. Image: JuditClosseBaptism1635.jpg
8849. "France, registres protestants, 1536-1897," database with images, FamilySearch( : 19 February 2021), Pierre in entry for Jean Clausse, 31 Jan 1626; citing Death, Sedan, Ardennes, France, Societe de L'histoire du Protestantisme Francais (Society of the history of French Protestantism), Paris. Image: JeanClausseDeath1626.jpg
8850. "France, registres protestants, 1536-1897," database with images, FamilySearch( : 19 February 2021), Pierre in entry for Elie Clausse, 14 Aug 1624; citing Death, Sedan, Ardennes, France, Societe de L'histoire du Protestantisme Francais (Society of the history of French Protestantism), Paris. Image: ElieClausseDeath1624.jpg
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