7501. “Death of Abraham Bettillion,” 31 December 1775, Winden, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelische Kirche Winden, Pfalz, Bayern Deaths 1713-1798, FHL INTL Film 193232, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, SDC11473AbrahamPetillionDeath1775.tif.
7502. “Death of Maria Anna Petillions,” 12 October 1750, Winden, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelische Kirche Winden, Pfalz, Bayern Deaths 1713-1798, FHL INTL Film 193232, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, SDC11386MariaAnnaBoutemontPetillionDeath1750.tif.
7503. “Marriage of Abraham Petillons and Maria Anna Boutemont,” 12 September 1743, Winden, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelische Kirche Winden, Pfalz, Bayern Marriages 1713-1798, FHL INTL Film 193232, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, SDC11401MarriagePetilltionBoutemont1743.tif.
7504. “Baptism of Regina Wust,” 25 August 1728, Steinweiler, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelische-Reformierte Kirche Rohrbach, Pfalz, Bayern Baptisms 1694-1782, FHL INTL Film 193132, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, SDC11465ReginaWustBapt1728.tif.
7505. “Death of Regina Petillon, widow,” 18 June 1785, Winden, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelische Kirche Winden, Pfalz, Bayern Deaths 1713-1798, FHL INTL Film 193232, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC11153ReginaPetillionDeath1785.tif.
7506. “Marriage of Abraham Petillion and Regina Wuest,” 9 January 1753, Winden, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelische Kirche Winden, Pfalz, Bayern Marriages 1713-1798, FHL INTL Film 193232, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC11168PetillionWuestMarriage1753.tif.
7507. Werner Esser, “Ortsfamilienbuch Winden/Pfalz Familienbericht,” ( accessed 4 June 2011), rf KB Barbelroth 1/1753.
7508. “Baptism of Susanna Petillions,” 19 January 1744, Winden, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelische Kirche Winden, Pfalz, Bayern Baptisms 1713-1798, FHL INTL Film 193232, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, SDC11363SusannaPetillionBapt1744.tif.
7509. Werner Esser, “Ortsfamilienbuch Winden/Pfalz Familienbericht,” ( accessed 4 June 2011), rf KB Nr. 1/1744.
7510. “Death of Abraham Petillions,” 11 December 1739, Winden, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelische Kirche Winden, Pfalz, Bayern Deaths 1713-1798, FHL INTL Film 193232, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, SDC11472AbrahamPetillionDeath1739.tif.
7511. “Marriage of Abraham Petillion and Judichmile,” 4 October 1700, Winden, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelische Kirche Winden, Pfalz, Bayern Marriages 1713-1798, FHL INTL Film 193232, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, SDC11432MarriageAbrahamPetillionJudichmile1700.tif.
7512. “Death of Maria Johanna Petillion,” 25 December 1764, Winden, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelische Kirche Winden, Pfalz, Bayern Deaths 1713-1798, FHL INTL Film 193232, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC11393MariaJohannaPetillionDeath1764.tif.
7513. “Marriage of Abraham Petillion and Maria Schöna Gomber,” 9 September 1716, Winden, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelische Kirche Winden, Pfalz, Bayern Marriages 1713-1798, FHL INTL Film 193232, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, SDC11399MarriageAbraham PetillionMariaSchonaGomber1716.tif.
7514. Suzanne Trotter, “Hanson-Trotter Family on Ancestry,”, viewed 1 May 2018.
7515. “Petillon Family Tree,”, site pedigree sent by Robert Heimann 1 May 2018.
7516. Suzanne Trotter, “Hanson-Trotter Family on Ancestry,”, viewed 1 May 2018, gives date as 26 Feb 1715.
7517. “Petillon Family Tree,”, site pedigree sent by Robert Heimann 1 May 2018, gives dates as before 1715.
7518. “Baptism of Anna Thomas Servant,” 16 February 1721, Landau, Elsass-Lotharingen, Katholische Kirche Sankt Maria Landau (Pfalz), Baptisms 1706-1730, Book D, p 318, FHL INTL film 488333, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC10768AnnaThomasServantBaptism1721.tif.
7519. “Death of Anna Thomas Servant,” 24 April 1723, Landau, Elsass-Lotharingen, Katholische Kirche Sankt Maria Landau (Pfalz), Deaths 1706-1730, Book D, FHL INTL film 488333, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC10780AnnaThomasServantDeath1723.tif.
7520. “Baptism of Maria Magdalena Servant,” 5 Apr 1723, Landau, Elsass-Lotharingen, Katholische Kirche Sankt Maria Landau (Pfalz), Baptisms 1706-1730, Book D, p. 364, FHL INTL film 488333, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC10772MariaMagdalenaServantBaptism1723.tif.
7521. “Marriage of Maria Magdalena Servant and Franciscus Josephus Pettrini,” 25 November 1738, Landau, Elsass-Lotharingen, Katholische Kirche Sankt Maria Landau (Pfalz), Marriages 1735-1739, Book E, p. 557, FHL INTL film 488335, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC10797MagdalenaServantFrancPettriniMarriage1738.tif.
7522. “Baptism of Dedier Alexandre,” 2 November 1704, Lorquin, Lorraine, Eglise Catholique, Paroisse de Loquin, Parish Registers, 1657-1882, Baptisms, FHL INTL film 2084221 item 2, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC10886DedierAlexandreBaptism1704.tif.
7523. “Baptism of Jean Allexandre,” 4 January 1711, Lorquin, Lorraine, Eglise Catholique, Paroisse de Loquin, Parish Registers, 1657-1882, Baptisms, FHL INTL film 2084221 item 2, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC10889JeanAlexandreBaptism1711.tif.
7524. “Baptism of Georg Peter Hauck.”
"Deutschland Geburten und Taufen, 1558-1898," database, FamilySearch ( : 10 February 2018), Georg Peter Hauck, 11 Mar 1736; citing ; FHL microfilm 193,775. Personal photo image: IMG_1936BaptismGeorgPeterHauck1736.jpg
7525. “Death of Peter Hauck,” 28 December 1794, Gräfenhausen, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Annweiler, Deaths 1780-1805, FHL INTL Film 193775, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo SDC11597PeterHauckDeath1794.tif.
7526. “Death of Anna Elisabetha Hauck,” 4 October 1785, Gräfenhausen, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Annweiler, Deaths 1780-1805, FHL INTL Film 193775, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Image: SDC11592AnnaElisabethHauckDeath1785.tif.
7527. “Marriage of Johannes Wüst and Anna Katharina Mattern,” 10 August 1717, Steinweiler, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelische-Reformierte Kirche Rohrbach, Pfalz, Bayern, Marriages 1694-1782, FHL INTL Film 193132, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, SDC11469MarriageWustMattern1717.tif.
7528. “Baptism of Joannes Petrus Servant,” 27 February 1727, Landau, Elsass-Lotharingen, Katholische Kirche Sankt Maria Landau (Pfalz), Baptisms 1706-1730, Book D, p. 458, FHL INTL film 488333, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC10783JeanPierreServantBaptism1727.tif.
7529. “Baptism of Maria Joseph Servant,” 8 March 1725, Landau, Elsass-Lotharingen, Katholische Kirche Sankt Maria Landau (Pfalz), Baptisms 1706-1730, Book D, p. 411, FHL INTL film 488333, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC10785MariaJosephServantBaptism1725.tif.
7530. "Deutschland Heiraten, 1558-1929," database, FamilySearch ( : 26 December 2014), Joannes Pierard and Maria Joseph Servant, 22 Jan 1753; citing Katholisch, Landau In Pfalz Stadt, Pfalz, Bavaria; FHL microfilm 488,340.
7531. “Death of Francisca Alexandre,” 30 May 1719, Landau, Elsass-Lotharingen, Katholische Kirche Sankt Maria Landau (Pfalz), Deaths 1706-1730, Book D, p. 1000, FHL INTL film 488333, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC10823MarieFrancoiseAlexandreDeath1719.tif.
7532. “Baptism of Joannes Thomas Alexandre,” 20 Apr 1720, Landau, Elsass-Lotharingen, Katholische Kirche Sankt Maria Landau (Pfalz), Baptisms 1706-1730, Book D, p. 298, FHL INTL film 488333, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC10806JeanThomasAlexandreBaptism1720.tif.
7533. “Death of Joannes Thomas Alexandre,” 5 Jun 1723, Landau, Elsass-Lotharingen, Katholische Kirche Sankt Maria Landau (Pfalz), Deaths 1706-1730, Book D, p. 1054, FHL INTL film 488333, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC10829JeanThomasAlexandreDeath1723.tif.
7534. “Baptism of Maria Catharina Alexandre,” 7 Jul 1726, Landau, Elsass-Lotharingen, Katholische Kirche Sankt Maria Landau (Pfalz), Baptisms 1706-1730, Book D, p 447, FHL INTL film 488333, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC10813MarieCatherineAlexandreBaptism1726.tif.
7535. “Baptism of Maria Catharina Alexandre,” 7 Jul 1726, Landau, Elsass-Lotharingen, Katholische Kirche Sankt Maria Landau (Pfalz), Baptisms 1706-1730, Book D, p 447, FHL INTL film 488333, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC10813MarieCatherineAlexandreBaptism1726.tif, p. 447.
7536. “Death of Andreas Alexandre,” 20 June 1719, Landau, Elsass-Lotharingen, Katholische Kirche Sankt Maria Landau (Pfalz), Deaths 1706-1730, Book D, FHL INTL film 488333, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC10825AndreasAlexandreDeath1719.tif.
7537. Death of Josef Alexandre, 20 May 1733, Landau, Elsass-Lotharingen, Katholische Kirche Sankt Maria Landau (Pfalz), Deaths 1732-1740, Book E, FHL INTL film 488335, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
7538. “Death of Joanne Alexandre,” 20 May 1707, Landau, Elsass-Lotharingen, Katholische Kirche Sankt Maria Landau (Pfalz), Deaths 1706-1730, Book D, p. 887, FHL INTL film 488333, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC10819JeanAlexandreDeath1707.tif, p. 887.
7539. “Death of Aegidia Gros Alexandre,” 7 November 1732, Landau, Elsass-Lotharingen, Katholische Kirche Sankt Maria Landau (Pfalz), Deaths 1732-1740, Book E, p. 295, FHL INTL film 488335, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC10844AegidiaGrosAlexandreDeath1732.tif.
7540. “Baptism of Maria Barbara Engel,” 18 August 1781, Heuchelheim, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelische-Reformiert Kirche Heuchelheim, Kirchenbuch, Baptisms 1780-1796, FHL INTL film 193890, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Image: SDC10893MariaBarbaraEngelBapt1781.tif.
7541. “Baptism of Karl Engel,” 10 July 1785, Heuchelheim, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelische-Reformiert Kirche Heuchelheim, Kirchenbuch, Baptisms 1780-1796, FHL INTL film 193890, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Image: SDC10896KarlEngelBapt1785.tif.
7542. “Baptism of Johann Heinrich Engel,” 5 August 1793, Heuchelheim, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelische-Reformiert Kirche Heuchelheim, Kirchenbuch, Baptisms 1780-1796, FHL INTL film 193890, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Image: SDC10903JohannHeinrichEngelBapt1793.tif.
7543. “Baptism of Johann Georg Engel,” 3 February 1814, Heuchelheim, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelische-Reformiert Kirche Heuchelheim, Kirchenbuch, Baptisms 1797-1836, FHL INTL film 193890, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC10912JohanGeorgEngelBapt1814.tif.
7544. “Baptism of Jakob Engel,” 17 January 1821, Heuchelheim, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelische-Reformiert Kirche Heuchelheim, Kirchenbuch, Baptisms 1797-1836, FHL INTL film 193890, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC10920JacobEngelBapt1821.tif.
7545. “Baptism of Anna Maria Engel,” 4 July 1824, Heuchelheim, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelische-Reformiert Kirche Heuchelheim, Kirchenbuch, Baptisms 1797-1836, FHL INTL film 193890, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC10927AnnaMariaEngelBapt1824.tif; also SDC10949AnnaMariaEngelBapt1824.tif.
7546. “Baptism of Christina Engel,” 19 March 1829, Heuchelheim, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelische-Reformiert Kirche Heuchelheim, Kirchenbuch, Baptisms 1797-1836, FHL INTL film 193890, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC10929ChristinaEngelBapt1829.tif.
7547. “Marriage of Georg Hauling and Christina Engel,” 5 February 1852, Heuchelheim, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelische-Reformiert Kirche Heuchelheim, Kirchenbuch, Marriages 1839-1870, FHL INTL film 193891, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC10975ChristinaEngelMarriage1852.tif.
7548. “Baptism of Christina Engel,” 19 March 1829, Heuchelheim, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelische-Reformiert Kirche Heuchelheim, Kirchenbuch, Baptisms 1797-1836, FHL INTL film 193890, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC10929ChristinaEngelBapt1829.tif, Image: SDC10929ChristinaEngelBapt1829.tif.
7549. “Baptism of Louise Wilhelmina Engel,” 17 November 1833, Heuchelheim, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelische-Reformiert Kirche Heuchelheim, Kirchenbuch, Baptisms 1797-1836, FHL INTL film 193890, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Photo: SDC10931LouiseWilhelminaEngelBapt1833.tif.
7550. “Marriage of Johannes Hoffman and Louise Wilhelmina Engel,” 20 February 1854, Heuchelheim, Pfalz, Germany, Evangelische-Reformiert Kirche Heuchelheim, Kirchenbuch, Marriages 1839-1870, FHL INTL film 193891, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
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