7751. “Baptism of Karl Zandt,” 17 May 1852, Church of Holy Ghost (Sv. Ducha), Prague, Bohemia, Book VII, Baptisms 1845-1858 Holy Ghost, Praha, DUCH N7, image 218, p. 213, records online at Prague City Archives, ( accessed 26 March 2016).
7752. Prague City Archives, “Census of the Prague Population (1830-1949),”, accessed 26 March 2014, gives date as 20 Feb 1876.
7753. “Baptism of Anna Zandt,” 26 February 1857, Church of Holy Ghost (Sv. Ducha), Prague, Bohemia, Book VII, Baptisms 1845-1858 Holy Ghost, Praha, DUCH N7, image 390, p. 384, records online at Prague City Archives, ( accessed 26 March 2016).
7754. “Baptism of Josef Martin Zandt,” 11 November 1814, Church of St. Gallus (Sv. Havla), Prague, Bohemia, Baptisms 1811-1819, St. Gallus, Praha, HV N10, image 140, p. 134, records online at Prague City Archives, ( accessed 23 Sept 2017).
7755. Prague City Archives, “Census of the Prague Population (1830-1949),”, accessed 26 March 2014, searched for Zandt.
7756. “Death record of Barbara Zandt,” 27 April 1848, Prague, Bohemia, Kostel Sv. Havla, Deaths, 1844-1852, HV Z8, image 57, p. 53, ( accessed 22 Sept 2017), Archivni 6, 149 00 Praha 4, Photo: BarbaraZandtDeath1848.tif.
7757. “Baptism of Friedrich Zandt,” 22 March 1844, Kostel Panny Marie Sněžné, Prague, Bohemia, Baptisms 1838-1846, Baptisms, PMS N6, image 225, p. 206, records online at Prague City Archives, ( accessed 23 Sept 2017).
7758. “Marriage of Josef Zandt and Barbara Woertka,” 10 October 1841, Kostel Sv. Haštala, Praha, Marriages, 1826-1851, HŠ O8, image 255, p. 244, records online at Prague City Archives, ( accessed 23 Sept 2017), Photo: JosefZandtBarbaraWoertkaMarr1841.tif.
7759. Prague City Archives, “Census of the Prague Population (1830-1949),”, accessed 26 March 2014, lists 1815.
7760. “Conscriptions - Applications for Residence Permit of Prague Police Headquarters,” ( accessed 20 December 2008), 1850-1914, Praha, Czech Republic, National Archive, Archivni 4/2257, 149 00, Prague 4 - Chodovec, 1820?
7761. “Death of Anna Zandt,” 7 July 1884, St. Peter Na Poříčí Church (Sv. Petr), Prague, Bohemia, 1873-1887, Deaths, Sv. Petr, PE Z13, image , page 263, (; accessed 10 October 2017), Archivni 6, 149 00 Praha 4, Photo: AnnaZandtDeath1884.tif.
7762. “Baptism of Josef Zandt,” 14 May 1855, Church of St. James (Sv. Jakub), Prague, Bohemia, Book XIII, Baptisms 1847-1859 St. James, Praha, JAK N13, image 238, p. 235, records online at Prague City Archives, ( accessed 26 March 2016).
7763. “Marriage of Josef Zandt and Anna Lang,” 13 May 1849, St. Henry Church (Sv. Jindrich), Prague, Bohemia, Book XII, 1842--1850, Marriages, St. Henry, Praha, JCH O12, image 259, p.254, ( accessed 24 July 2011), Archivni 6, 149 00 Praha 4, Photo: JosefZandtAnnaLangMarr1849.tif.
7764. “Baptism of Johann Nepomuk Joseph Zandt,” 16 May 1842, Kostel Panny Marie Sněžné, Prague, Bohemia, Baptisms 1838-1846, Baptisms, PMS N6, image 145, p. 132, records online at Prague City Archives, ( accessed 23 Sept 2017), Photo: JohannNepJosephZandtBapt.tif.
7765. “Baptism of Thekla Catharina Zandt,” 26 October 1845, Kostel Panny Marie Sněžné, Prague, Bohemia, Baptisms 1838-1846, Baptisms, PMS N6, image 306, p. 273, records online at Prague City Archives, ( accessed 23 Sept 2017).
7766. “Conscriptions - Applications for Residence Permit of Prague Police Headquarters,” ( accessed 20 December 2008), 1850-1914, Praha, Czech Republic, National Archive, Archivni 4/2257, 149 00, Prague 4 - Chodovec, listed as born 1854.
7767. “Baptism of Antonin Zandt,” 19 June 1853, St. Peter Na Poříčí Church (Sv. Petr), Prague, Bohemia, 1850-1853, Baptisms, Sv. Petr, PE N20, image 365, page 360, (; accessed 25 September 2017), Archivni 6, 149 00 Praha 4, Photo: AntoninZandtBapt1853.tif.
7768. “Marriage of Antonin Zandt and Josef Vostatek,” 23 April 1877, Velké Holešovice (Bubeneč) Kostel sv. Gotharda, Marriages 1873-1884, Bubeneč, Praha, BBČ O19, image 70, p. 66, (; accessed 10 October 2017), Archivni 6, 149 00 Praha 4, Photo: AntoninZandtJosefaVostatekMarr1877.tif.
7769. “Conscriptions - Applications for Residence Permit of Prague Police Headquarters,” ( accessed 20 December 2008), 1850-1914, Praha, Czech Republic, National Archive, Archivni 4/2257, 149 00, Prague 4 - Chodovec, gives year as 1849.
7770. “Baptism of Anna Zandt,” 10 March 1850, Church of St. Gallus (Sv. Havla), Prague, Bohemia, Baptisms 1850-1855, St. Gallus, Praha, HV N17, image 12, p. 7, records online at Prague City Archives, ( accessed 23 Sept 2017), Photo: AnnaZandtBap1850.tif.
7771. “Baptism of Anna Josefa Zandt,” 11 November 1877, Žižkov, Kostel sv. Rocha, Baptisms1877-1878, Bubeneč, Praha, ŽKR N19, image 116, p. 107, (; accessed 10 October 2017), Archivni 6, 149 00 Praha 4, Photo: AnnaJosefaZandtBapt1877.tif.
7772. “Baptism of Josef Zandt,” 10 April 1880, Velké Holešovice (Bubeneč) Kostel sv. Gotharda, Baptisms1877-1884, Bubeneč, Praha, BBČ N23, image 217, p. 203, (; accessed 10 October 2017), Archivni 6, 149 00 Praha 4, Photo: JosefZandtBirth1880.tif.
7773. “Baptism of František Zandt,” 28 January 1882, Velké Holešovice (Bubeneč) Kostel sv. Gotharda, Baptisms1877-1884, Bubeneč, Praha, BBČ N23, image 329, p. 308, (; accessed 10 October 2017), Archivni 6, 149 00 Praha 4, Photo: FrantisekZandtBirth1882.tif.
7774. “Baptism of Milada Katerřina Zandt,” 15 July 1883, Velké Holešovice (Bubeneč) Kostel sv. Gotharda, Baptisms1877-1884, Bubeneč, Praha, BBČ N23, image 420, p. 396, (; accessed 10 October 2017), Archivni 6, 149 00 Praha 4, Photo: MiladaKaterinaZandtBirth1883.tif.
7775. “Conscriptions - Applications for Residence Permit of Prague Police Headquarters,” ( accessed 20 December 2008), 1850-1914, Praha, Czech Republic, National Archive, Archivni 4/2257, 149 00, Prague 4 - Chodovec, Quote: Národní archiv, Policejní ředitelství I, konskripce, karton 723, obraz 812.
7776. Prague City Archives, “Census of the Prague Population (1830-1949),”, accessed 26 March 2014, Census gave date as 13 May 1885.
7777. “Baptism of Antonin Frantisek Zandt,” 21 May 1885, Velké Holešovice (Bubeneč) Kostel sv. Gotharda, Baptisms1884-1891, Bubeneč, Praha, BBČ N24, image 77, p. 73, (; accessed 10 October 2017), Archivni 6, 149 00 Praha 4, Photo: AntoninZandtBapt1885.tif.
7778. “Conscriptions - Applications for Residence Permit of Prague Police Headquarters,” ( accessed 20 December 2008), 1850-1914, Praha, Czech Republic, National Archive, Archivni 4/2257, 149 00, Prague 4 - Chodovec, says born 1888.
7779. “Baptism of Otokar František Zandt,” 7 November 1886, Velké Holešovice (Bubeneč) Kostel sv. Gotharda, Baptisms1884-1891, Bubeneč, Praha, BBČ N24, image 167, p. 161, (; accessed 10 October 2017), Archivni 6, 149 00 Praha 4, Photo: OtakarFrantZandtBapt1886.tif.
7780. “Baptism of Aloisie Zandt,” 13 December 1880, Church of Holy Ghost (Sv. Ducha), Prague, Bohemia, Book XII, Baptisms 1876-1882 Holy Ghost, Praha, DUCH N12, image 254, p. 238, records online at Prague City Archives, ( accessed 26 March 2016).
7781. “Marriage of Jan Dvorak and Aloisia Zandt,” 17 February 1901, Sv. Frantisek Church, Prague, Bohemia, 1893-19071, Marriages, Prague, FR O10, p. 161, image of records from Prague City Archives Online ( accessed 25 November 2011), Archivni 6, 149 00 Praha 4.
7782. Prague City Archives, “Census of the Prague Population (1830-1949),”, accessed 26 March 2014, says 14 Dec 1880 for birth.
7783. “Baptism of Vaclav Ferdinand Zandt,” 25 April 1882, Church of Holy Ghost (Sv. Ducha), Prague, Bohemia, Book XIII, Baptisms 1882-1887 Holy Ghost, Praha, DUCH N13, image 23, p. 18, records online at Prague City Archives, ( accessed 26 March 2016).
7784. “Conscriptions - Applications for Residence Permit of Prague Police Headquarters,” ( accessed 20 December 2008), 1850-1914, Praha, Czech Republic, National Archive, Archivni 4/2257, 149 00, Prague 4 - Chodovec, Quote: Národní archiv, Policejní ředitelství I, konskripce, karton 698, obraz 329.
7785. Prague City Archives, “Census of the Prague Population (1830-1949),”, accessed 26 March 2014, gives date as 29 Apr 1894 (Vyšehrad?).
7786. “Baptism of Anna Aloisie Zandt,” 22 March 1885, Church of Holy Ghost (Sv. Ducha), Prague, Bohemia, Book XIII, Baptisms 1882-1887 Holy Ghost, Praha, DUCH N13, image 249, p. 224, records online at Prague City Archives, ( accessed 26 March 2016), image: AnnaAloisiaZandtDauFerdinandBapt1885.tif.
7787. “Baptism of Vaclav Zandt,” 16 December 1890, Church of Holy Ghost (Sv. Ducha), Prague, Bohemia, Book XIV, Baptisms 1887-1892 Holy Ghost, Praha, DUCH N14, image 276, p. 260, records online at Prague City Archives, ( accessed 26 March 2016).
7788. “Conscriptions - Applications for Residence Permit of Prague Police Headquarters,” ( accessed 20 December 2008), 1850-1914, Praha, Czech Republic, National Archive, Archivni 4/2257, 149 00, Prague 4 - Chodovec, Quote: Národní archiv, Policejní ředitelství I, konskripce, karton 723, obraz 813.
7789. Prague City Archives, “Census of the Prague Population (1830-1949),”, accessed 26 March 2014, gave date as: 12 Dec 1894.
7790. “Baptism of Marie Zandt,” 21 February 1894, Velké Holešovice (Bubeneč) Kostel sv. Gotharda, Baptisms 1891-1894, Bubeneč, Praha, BBČ N25, image 393, p. 363, (; accessed 10 October 2017), Archivni 6, 149 00 Praha 4, Photo: MarieZandtBapt1894.tif.
7791. “Baptism of Stepan Zandt,” 16 June 1895, Velké Holešovice (Bubeneč) Kostel sv. Gotharda, Baptisms 1894-1896, Bubeneč, Praha, BBČ N26, image 131, p. 124, (; accessed 10 October 2017), Archivni 6, 149 00 Praha 4, Photo: StepanZandtBapt1895.tif.
7792. “Baptism of Anezka Zandt,” 25 Aug 1897, Vršovice, Kostel Sv. Mikuláše, Baptisms 1896-1899, Vršovice, Praha, VRŠ N10, image 89-90, p. 82 (separate pages), (; accessed 10 October 2017), Archivni 6, 149 00 Praha 4, Photo: AnezkaZandtBapt1897.tif.
7793. “Marriage of Karl Zandt and Marie Maschat,” 8 November 1896, Kostel sv. Ducha (Church of Holy Ghost) Old Town, Prague, Marriages 1895-1918, Holy Ghost, Praha, DUCH O13, image from Prague City Archives online ( accessed 25 November 2011), Archivni 6, 149 00 Praha 4.
7794. “Marriage of Karl Zandt and Marie Maschat,” 8 November 1896, Kostel sv. Ducha (Church of Holy Ghost) Old Town, Prague, Marriages 1895-1918, Holy Ghost, Praha, DUCH O13, image from Prague City Archives online ( accessed 25 November 2011), Archivni 6, 149 00 Praha 4, p. 39.
7795. “Baptism of Jakub Ratay,” 1 May 1858, Zdešov, Pelhrimov, Bohemia, Book 6 1830-1862, Baptisms, Žirovnice, p. 485, img 197, images online, State Regional Archive Trebon, Zamek 110, 379 11 Trebon, CZ, ( accessed 7 December 2011).
7796. “Baptism of Jan Nepomuk Ratay,” 13 May 1862, Zdešov, Pelhrimov, Bohemia, Book 6 1830-1862, Baptisms, Žirovnice, p. 489, img 203, images online, State Regional Archive Trebon, Zamek 110, 379 11 Trebon, CZ, ( accessed 7 December 2011).
7797. “Baptism of Anastasia Ratay,” 27 April 1854, Zdešov, Pelhrimov, Bohemia, Book 6 1830-1862, Baptisms, Žirovnice, p. 482, img 193, images online, State Regional Archive Trebon, Zamek 110, 379 11 Trebon, CZ, ( accessed 7 December 2011).
7798. “Baptism of Antonin Ratay,” 19 April 1864, Zdešov, Pelhrimov, Bohemia, Book 7 1863-1881, Baptisms, Žirovnice, p. 37, img 37, images online, State Regional Archive Trebon, Zamek 110, 379 11 Trebon, CZ, ( accessed 7 December 2011).
7799. “Baptism of Maria Rattai,” 19 March 1871, Zdešov, Pelhrimov, Bohemia, Book 7 1863-1881, Baptisms, Žirovnice, p. 164, img 164, images online, State Regional Archive Trebon, Zamek 110, 379 11 Trebon, CZ, ( accessed 7 December 2011).
7800. “Baptism of Johann Nepomuk Ratay,” 7 May 1839, Zdešov, Pelhrimov, Bohemia, Book 6 1830-1862, Baptisms, Žirovnice, p. 468, img 179, images online, State Regional Archive Trebon, Zamek 110, 379 11 Trebon, CZ, ( accessed 7 December 2011).
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