NameDaniel FINK Jr. 
Birthabt 1789, Lynn, Northampton County, Pennsylvania
Deathbef 1834, Canfield, Mahoning County, Ohio
Memobirth calculator?
Death10 Apr 1875, Canfield, Mahoning County, Ohio1438,1439
Memo85 years, 10 months, 10 days; died of old age
BurialParadise Reformed Church Cemetery, Canfield, Ohio
Marriagebef 1814, Pennsylvania
Census notes for Daniel FINK Jr.
1820 Ohio, Trumbull County, Beaver Township
Daniel Fink (Jr.) 4 males under 10, 1 male 26-44; 1 female 26-44
14401830 Ohio, Mahoning County, Brookfield Township
Daniel Fink (Jr.) 1 male under 10, 2 males 5-10, 2 males 10-15, 1 male 15-20, 1 male 40-50; 1 female under 5, 1 female 40-50
Will notes for Daniel FINK Jr.
There was no will for Daniel Fink, Jr. who died before his father. Probate and guardianship records as follows:
Volume 8 March Term 1838 p 151
Daniel Fink Jr Deceased
Ordered that Mary Susannah Fink be appointed Guardian to Mordin Fink Daniel Fink and George Fink until they respectively arrive to the age of twenty one years to Henry Fink until he arrive to the age of fourteen years to Anna Maria Fink until she arrive to the age of Eighteen years and to Mary Susan Fink until she arrive to the age of twelve years minors and Children of Daniel Fink Jun late of Canfield deceased to give bond with surety in the penal sun of Eight hundred dollars Peter Lynn is accepted as her surety the said Mordin appeared in Court and made choice of the said Mary Susannah as his Guardian and the said Daniel, George and Anna Maria made choice of the said Mary Susannah as their Guardian as certified to the Court.
Daniel Fink Jr. Deceased
I Adam Lynn a Justice of the peace in and for the township of Canfield do certify that Daniel Fink & George Fink children of Daniel Fink Junior deceased appeared before me & stated that they wished their mother Mary Susana Fink to be appointed their Guardian also at the same time came Ana Maria Fink & made the same choice. This was done on the 5th day of March 1838. Adam Lynn. Justice of the Peace
Received March Term 1838 & recorded by George Parsons Clerk
FINK, Daniel Jr. late of Canfield
this note added by Mitzi Fenstermaker, who was the editor of this volume: "see DAR Roster - Daniel, Sr. married Elizabeth Ann WELZEL/WELTZEL; Daniel Jr. married Susan KENTNEY, father's will stated Daniel Jr. deceased."
Mary Susannah FINK appointed gdn to MORDIN, Daniel & George FINK until 21; to Henry FINK until 14; to Anna Maria until 18; to Mary Susan until 12; children of Daniel, Jr.