NameJuanita FINK 
Death10 Nov 1940, Cape Girardeau, Cape County, Missouri3089
Burial12 Nov 1940, Bloomfield Cemetery, Bloomfield, Missouri3089
Education5 yrs college
Never married
Census notes for Juanita FINK
1900 Missouri, Stoddard County, Castor Township, City of Bloomfield, ward 1, E.D. 121, sheet 6B, film T623-904
dwelling 120, family 120
Fink, Beauford, head, white, male, Dec 1864, age 35, married 12 years, born Indiana, parents born Ohio, superintendent
------, Jessie, wife, white, female, Nov 1867, age 32, married 12 years, mother of 4 children, 3 living, born Missouri, parents born Missouri
------, Chlo, daughter, white, female, Dec 1889, age 10, born Missouri, father born Indiana, mother Missouri
------, Juanita, daughter, white, female, Mar 1891, age 9, single, born Missouri, father born Indiana, mother Missouri
------, Lucile, daughter, white, female, Oct 1892, age 7, single, born Missouri, father born Indiana, mother Missouri
1910 Missouri, Stoddard, Castor Township, Bloomfield City, ward 1, E.D. 177, sheet 9B, film T624-825
Allie Street, dwelling 192, family 198
Fink, Beauford, W., head, male, white, age 48?, married once for 22 years, born Indiana, parents born Ohio, bookkeeper at saw mill
------, Jessie H., wife, female, white, age 41, married once for 22 years, mother of 7 children, 6 living, born Missouri, parents born Missouri
------, Chlo, daughter, female, white, age 20, single, born Missouri, father born Indiana, mother born Missouri
------, Juanita, daughter, female, white, age 19, single, born Missouri, father born Indiana, mother born Missouri
------, Lucile, daughter, female, white, age 17, single, born Missouri, father born Indiana, mother born Missouri
------, Beauford Jr., son, male, white, age 9, single, born Missouri, father born Indiana, mother born Missouri
------, Polly, daughter, female, white, age 7, single, born Missouri, father born Indiana, mother born Missouri
------, Marjorie, daughter, female, white, age 4, single, born Missouri, father born Indiana, mother born Missouri
1920 Missouri, Stoddard, Castor Township, Bloomfield City, ward 1, E.D. 24, sheet 8B, film T625-964
dwelling 214, family 205
Fink, Beauford, head, male, white, age 55, married, born Illinois, father born Ohio,, mother born Pennsylvania, ?Tim for Salesman
------, H Jessie, wife, female, white, age 52, married, born Missouri, parents born Missouri
------, W. Juanita, daughter, female, white, age 28, single, born Missouri, father born Illinois, mother born Missouri
------, Polly, daughter, female, white, age 17, single, born Missouri, father born Illinois, mother born Missouri
next page
------, Marjorie, daughter, female, white, age 14, single, born Missouri, father born Illinois, mother born Missouri
1930 Missouri, Stoddard County, Castor Township, Bloomfield City, E.D. 104-1, sheet 3B, film T626-1248
dwelling 69, family 72
Fink, Beauford W., head, male, white, age 65, married at age 23, born Indiana, parents born Ohio, superintendent stave mill
------, Jessie, wife, female, white, age 62, married at age 20, born Missouri, parents born in Missouri
------, Clo, daughter, female, white, age 40, single, born Missouri, father born Indiana, mother born Missouri, teacher state college
------, Juanita, daughter, female, white, age 39, single, born Missouri, father born Indiana, mother born Missouri, teacher, high school
------, Polly, daughter, female, white, age 27, single, born Missouri, father born Indiana, mother born Missouri, reporter, newspaper
1940 Missouri, Stoddard County, Bloomfield City, Castor Township, E.D. 104-1, sheet 11B (taken 25 Apr 1940)
household 260, owns, $1200
Fink, Buford W. [indexed as Byard], head, male, white, age 75, widower, 5 yrs college, born Indiana, lived in same house in 1935, pension
——, Juinita [sic], daughter, female, white, age 49, single, 5 yrs college, born Missouri, lived in same house in 1935