NameRalph L. HYDE 
Birthabt 1905, New York
Memo1910 census
Birth18 Apr 1904
MemoSS App
Death21 Oct 1989
MemoSS App
Marriage6 Jun 1925, Baldwinsville, New York4221
Census notes for Ralph L. HYDE
1910 New York, Genesee County, Batavia Township, Batavia Village, E.D. 10, sheet 10B
22 Russert Avenue, dwelling 226, family 228
Hyde, Merle P., head, male, white, age 42, married once for 19 years, born New York, parents born New York, lumber dealer
------, Hattie L., wife, female, white, age 42, married once for 19 years, mother of 5 children, 5 living, born New York, parents born New York
-------, Bessie, daughter, female, white, age 17, single, born New York, parents born New York
-------, Grace, daughter, female, white, age 16, single, born New York, parents born New York
-------, Lynford J., son, male, white, age 7, single, born New York, parents born New York
-------, Ralph L., son, male, white, age 5, single, born New York, parents born New York
-------, Helen, daughter, female, white, age 3, single, born New York, parents born New York
1920 New York, Genesee County, Batavia Township, 1st ward, 1st District, E.D. 4, sheet 7B (taken 8 January 1920)
211 East Ave., dwelling 168, family 182
Hyde, Merle P., head, male, white, age 51, married, born New York, parents born New York, retailer in lumber and coal
——-, Hattie L., wife, female, white, age 52, married, born New York, parents born New York
——-, Lynford J., son, male, white, age 17 5/12, single, born New York, parents born New York
——-, Ralph L., son, male, white, age 15 11/12, single, born New York, parents born New York
——-, Helen, daughter, female, white, age 13 11/12, single, born New York, parents born New York
Notes for Ralph L. & Ruth H. (Family)
Gazette & Farmers Journal, Baldwinsville, N.Y., Thursday, 11 June 1925, p. 1, viewed at http://fultonhistory.comEARLY JUNE WEDDINGS
One of the most attractive weddings of the season was solemnized on Saturday afternoon, June 6th, at 4:30 o’clock, when Ruth H. Warren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin L. Warren, of 9 Saline street, became the bride of Ralph L. Hyde, son of Mr. and Mrs. M.P. Hyde, of Batavia, N.Y.
Preceding the ceremony, Margaret Northrop played a selection on the harp, and Kenneth Brooks, of Batavia, sang “Because,” by Edward Teachemacher.
To the strains of Lohengrin’s wedding march, played by Miss Lila Hubbell, of Syracuse, the bride, attended by Miss Helen Hyde, sister of the groom, and the groom, attended by Donald I. French, cousin of the bride, took places before a bank of fern and pink and white peonies. The double ring service was performed by the Rev. Balston I. Elson, of the Baptist church.
The bride wore an exquisite gown of powder blue flat crepe, and carried an arm bouquet of pale pink roses. The maid of honor wore a rose colored gown of flat crepe, trimmed with cream lace, and carried deep pink roses.
After the service, a wedding luncheon was served to 35 guests. The brides’s table, at which ten were seated, was beautifully decorted[sic] in pink and white, roses and narcissus and pink and white candles being used. Thought the home a color scheme of pink and white was carried out, baskets of roses, iris and peonies being used in great profusion.
Mr. and Mrs. Hyde left by automobile to spend their honeymoon in the Adirondacks, where they have a cottage. They will be at home after June 15th at 9 Salina street, this village.
They have the best wishes of many friends, north in Baldwinsville and Batavia, which was the bride’s, as well as the groom’s former home. Mrs. Hyde is a graduate of Baldwinsville High school and Central City Business School, and has been employed in the office of Brown-Lipe Gear Co., in Syracuse.