Ratay-Johnstone Ancestors - Person Sheet
Ratay-Johnstone Ancestors - Person Sheet
NameWilliam C. VAN HOUTEN
Birth18 Oct 17756635
Deathbef 1828, Dearborn County, Indiana
OccupationFarmer, landowner
Alias/AKAHalmus C., Helmes, Helmigh, Helmich
MotherHelena Johannes VAN HOUTEN (1751-1838)
Birthabt 1783, New York6636
Death14 Sep 1872, Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana6636,6637
Memoburied City Cemetery; 89 years old; born in NY, female, white, married, old age sick for 3 mo. address 272 E. North ________Weaver
Burial16 Sep 1872, City Cemetery, Indianapolis, Indiana6636
Marriage25 May 1803, Reformed Dutch Church, New York6638
ChildrenCornelius William (1804-~1871)
 Isaac Brower (1806-1847)
Notes for William C. VAN HOUTEN
Information on William C. Van Houten
Sent by Tena Ondeck

From the Lawrenceburg Palladium, June 14, 1828, P.3, C.5,
“Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an Execution, issued out of the clerks office of the Dearborn Circuit Court, to me directed against the Goods and Chattels, Lands and Tenements, of William C. Van Houten and Cornelius W. Van Houten, at the suit of Arthur Martin, for the use of Alfred W. Nye, I have taken 160 acres of Land being the Northwest quarter of Section No. 35, Town 7, and Range 2 West, as the property of the said defendants; which said land I shall offer for sale at the Court House in the town of Lawrenceburg on the 21st day of June, 1828. Signed: Thos. Longley, Sheriff D.C., 21-3W May 23rd, 1828.”
Census notes for William C. VAN HOUTEN
1810 New York, New York County, New York City, ward 6, page 481
Halmus C. Van Houten, 2 males under 10, 1 male 26-44, 1 female 26-44, 1 other free person

1820 Indiana, Dearborn County, Logan Township, roll M33-13, page 118
William VanHouton, 1 male 10-16, 1 male 16-18, 1 male 18-26, 1 male 45 and over, 1 female 10-16, 1 female 26-45
Will notes for William C. VAN HOUTEN
Probate of Estate of William C. Van Houten
O.B. 1, p. 408
Sureties posted by Isaac B. Van Houten
Final 10 Feb 1834

Page 80
The administration bond taken in vacation from Cornelius W. Van Houten with Isaac Van Houten, his security on the estate of William C. Van Houten is approved by the court.
Page 350
In the matter of the estate of William C. Van Houten
...Cornelius W. Van Houten and file his schedule of accounts and petitions praying a final settlement of said estate and [ ] there are no more debts than those contained in said schedule nor ajuts [?] to be received to his knowledge - and the said petition being deemed true and correct - it is ruled and ordered by the court that notice of this application be published for 3 weeks successively in Lawrenceburgh - notifying the heirs, creditors and all others conerned that the court will proceed to final settlement of said estate at the next term of this court.
From Lawrenceburg Palladium, July 5, 1828, p.3, c.4,
“Administrators Notice. Notice is hereby given that administration of the estate of William C. Van Houten, late of Dearborn County, Indiana, deceased, has been granted to me. All persons having claims upon said estate, will present them duly authenticated as required by law and persons indebted to the deceased will make payment immediately either to myself or to Geo. H. Dunn, my attorney at Lawrenceburg to whom also all claims upon the estate may be presented. Notice is hereby given, that the said estate is insolvent. Signed: Cornelius W. Van Houten, Administrator, Lawrenceburg June 21, 1828.”
Page 408 February 1834
In the Matter of the Estate of William C. Vanhouten deceased - on final settlement
Be it remembered that heretofore to wit Wednesday the first day of October 1828 being the third [] day of the September term of said court eighteen hundred and thirty-eight before Solomon Manwaring [?] and John Livingston Esquire, [ ] judges of the Dearborn circuit court and sole judges of the Probate court.
The administration bond taken in vacation from Cornelius W. Vanhouten with Isaac Vanhouten his security on the estate of William C. Vanhouten is approved of by the court,
and whereas afterwards to wit. on Saturday the eighteenth day of May eighteen hundred and thirty three being the sixth judicial day of the May term 1833 before the Probate judge aforesaid comes Cornelius W. Vanhouten and files his schedule of accounts and petitions praying a final settlement of said estate and showing there are no more debts than those contained in said schedule nor assetts [sic] to be received to his knowledge and the said petition being deemed true and correct. It is therefore ruled and ordered by the court that notice of this application be published for three weeks successively in some public newspaper printed in Lawrenceburgh notifying the heirs, creditors and all others concerned that the court will move to final settlement of said estate at the next term of this court and whereas afterward to wit: on Monday the tenth day of February eighteen hundred and thirty four being the first judicial day of the February term aforesaid before the Probate judge aforesaid comes the said administrator by [ ] his attorney and files his final accounts of said administration from which it appears that these came to his hands to be administered $100.27 cents and he also files an exhibit of the following charges by him paid to wit: to the widow $100, at the appraisement to the clerk 1st cost bill $2.12, advertising paid printer $1.00. administrator's charges $5, attorneys fee $5.00, amounting in all to $113.62 cents and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that [ ] notice of the final settlement of said estate had been published as the order of this court required the foregoing accounts and items are allowed by the court leaving a balance in favour of said administrator of $13.35 cents and it appearing further to the satisfaction of the court that the said administrator has created a further account of clerks fees amounting to $6.65 cents which the court rule order, and direct the said administrator to pay within sixty days or an attachment will issue to enforce obeidence to this order and it further ruled and ordered by the court that the said administrator be and he is hereby allowed to retain the said sums last mentioned to wit: $20 out of any monies hereafter coming to his hands to be administered. All of which in finally ordered allowed and decreed by the court now here.
John Livingston
Last Modified 4 Dec 2018Created 26 Aug 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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Research done and sourced whenever possible by Nancy L. Ratay or Myra S. Ratay. Other contributors noted in sources. Please verify information yourself as this is a work in progress. Last updated August 2022.