Obituary notes for Bessie E. DENEAU
Buffalo News, The (NY) - Thursday, August 22, 1991, viewed at Genealogy Bank
Private services will be conducted for Bessie D. Van Buren Crawford, a former resident of Wilson. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery.
Mrs. Crawford, 102, died Aug. 9, 1991, in her home in St. Petersburg, Fla., after a short illness.
A native of Wilson, she lived on Sunset Island for 50 years before she moved to Florida about seven years ago. She was a member of the Wilson Historical Society and the Wilson Free Library.
She was the widow of Luther R. Crawford.
She is survived by a daughter, Cleo Ann Salerno of St. Petersburg.
Notes for Louis Reuben & Bessie E. (Family)
Niagara Falls Gazette, Sunday, 3 October 1965, p. 4B, viewed at http://fultonhistory.comSunset Island 50-year Haven
WILSON – When they were married 50 years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Crawford chose Sunset Island as the setting for their honeymoon. Then as now, the island was accessible only by boat.
The unique charm of the island left its mark on the couple, as it did on many.
Soon after their honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford returned to the island. They have lived on it ever since.
Last week, at a dinner party for about 30 at the Sunset Island summer residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Jalinski, they celebrated their 50th anniversary. They were wed Sep. 29, 1915 at the Wilson home of Mrs. Crawford’s parents.
The couple recalls that the island then was much larger than it is today. Both acknowledge that it has been the setting for a rewarding life, with much friendship and a close communion with nature. It has also provided the means for the livelihood of the couple. Mr. Crawford, a carpenter, built many of the 100 or so homes on the island. Remodeling and repairs also kept him busy, as did his management of Sunset Beach Colony Inc., an organization formed by the residents of the island.
Semi-retired today, he spends much of his time caring for the garden of island residents.
Mrs. Crawford is a real estate saleswoman, confining her efforts to island properties. They are often referred to as “father and mother” of the colony.
Wile the couple must go off the island occasionally – to shop, for instance – they do it begrudgingly and even though the Crawford’s were one of only three families who remain on the island last winer, they would not think of moving. In winter, they often must walk across the ice to Wilson for supplies.
A daughter, Mrs. Cleo Anne Salerno, lives in Walnut Creek, Calif.
On the very special occasion of the couple’s golden anniversary, Sunset Island Colony residents presented them with a “large sum of money.”
[Photo of couple with article]