Ratay-Johnstone Ancestors - Person Sheet
Ratay-Johnstone Ancestors - Person Sheet
NameJacob SPEAR 332
Birth19 Jan 1828, Acquackanonk, Essex County, New Jersey6,333,334,335,336,337
Baptism24 Feb 1828, Acquackanonk, Essex County, New Jersey338
Death21 Jan 1900, Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey339,340,341
Memocerebral hemmorage
Burial24 Jan 1900, Cedar Lawn Cemetery, McLean Boulevard, Paterson, NJ 07513, USA342
MemoSec 6 Lot 512 Grave 2&3
OccupationShoe Store
ReligionReformed; Church of the Redeemer
FatherTheunis I. SPEER (1788-1863)
Birth1 Apr 1831, Bergen County, New Jersey159,154,337,343
Baptism1 May 1831, Pompton Plains, Bergen County, New Jersey344
Death21 Dec 1909, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York340
Burial23 Dec 1909, Cedar Lawn Cemetery, McLean Boulevard, Paterson, NJ 07513, USA345
MemoSec 6 Lot 5/2 Grave 3&4
FatherAbraham G. POST (1800-1850)
MotherHannah H. WINTERS (1804-1895)
Marriage2 Apr 1851, Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey159,346,6,158,347,348
Marr MemoRev. John H. Duryea; Passaic County Bk AC: pg 15
ChildrenMary Ellen (1852-1875)
 John Bernard (1854-1925)
 Charles J. (1872-1925)
Notes for Jacob SPEAR
Will of Theunis I. Speer names his surviving 9 children, including Jacob. Jacob is named as one of the executors along with his brothers. He bought his father's shoe store with his brother Albert in 1855. The brothers were still operating the shoe store, called A & J Spear at the same location, 91 Main Street in Paterson until 1900. The family, including sons John B., who was 25, and Charles, aged 7, lived at 116 Division in 1880 and moved to 184 Tyler St. in the 1890s. He was living at 171 Fair St., in Paterson when he died in 1900. Interment records state place of birth as Dundee Lake.
Census notes for Jacob SPEAR
1850 New Jersey, Passaic County, Paterson
dwelling 161, family 210
Tunis I. Speer, age 61, male, shoemaker
Sophia --------, age 56, female
Gertrude A. Van Houten, age 20, female
Jacob Speer, age 22, male, shoemaker
Caroline------, age 17, female
William Henry, age 14, male

1860 New Jersey, Passaic County, East Ward Paterson, p. 324 film M653-706
dwelling 145, family 221
Jacob Spear, age 33, male,white, shoe store, pers prop $2000, born New Jersey
Eliza ---------, age 29, female, white, born New Jersey
Mary E. -----, age 8, female, white, born New Jersey
John B.------, age 5, male, white, born New Jersey
Hannah P.---, age 56, female, white, born New Jersey

1870 New Jersey, Passaic County, 3rd Ward Paterson, page 368, film M593-885
dwelling 236, family 392,
Spear, Jacob, age 43, male, white, shoemaker, real estate $4000, personal $2000, born New Jersey
-------, Eliza, age 38, female, white, keeps house, born New Jersey
-------, Mary, age 18, female, white, at home, born New Jersey
-------, John, age 15, male, white, attends school, born New Jersey

New Jersey, Passaic County, Paterson, E.D. 154, page 97C, film T9-0795
116 Division St., dwelling 18, family 30
Spear, Jacob, white, male, age 51, head, shoe dealer, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
-------, Eliza, white, female, age 48, wife, married, keeping house, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
-------, John B., white, male, age 25, son, single, clerk, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
-------, Charles, white, male, age 7, son, at school, born New Jersey, parents New Jersey
Post, Hannah, white, female, age 72, mother-in-law, born New Jersey, parents New Jersey

Obituary notes for Jacob SPEAR
Paterson Daily Press, 22 January 1900, viewed online at google.com
Spear – In this city, on Sunday, January 21, 1900, Jacob, beloved husband of Eliza Spear, aged 72 years, 2 days.

Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral on Wednesday, January 24, from his late residence, 171 Fair street, at 2 o’clock p.m. Interment at Cedar Lawn.

Paterson Evening News, Monday, 22 January 1900, p. 1 (viewed at www. fultonhistory.com)
Death of Jacob Spear
An Old Resident Widely Known and Respected

The close of a busy life and a useful career came last evening when Jacob Spear, for many years a business landmark in Paterson, and one of its presentative citizens, died at his residence, 171 Fair street, aged 72 years.

The immediate cause of death was a stroke of paralysis which occurred last Friday evening, following shortly after Mr. Spear had said good night to his relatives and a number of intimate friends who had gathered at the family home to offer good wishes on his birthday anniversary.

Mr. Spear had not been in the best of health for several weeks past, and he realized that the final summons could not long be delayed. The sons and relatives shared in this knowledge and it cast a shade of sadness over the birthday dinner, although the father was in the best of spirits. But the family did not expect the end to come so soon.

Mr. Spear rallied somewhat after the stroke and on Saturday morning was able to recognize the members of the family who were constantly at his bedside. Later he slowly sank into unconsciousness, and remained in that condition until 8 o’clock last evening, when, without any pain or suffering, he sank into an eternal sleep.

Mr. Spear was born in Dundee, on the Passaic county side of the river in 1828. In 1841 his father established the shoe store at 91 Main street, and in the course of time the son was taken into partnership. He continued in business at the same stand until within a few weeks of his death, and in these many years that he was identified with the commercial interests of Paterson, Jacob Spear built up the reputation for business sagacity and integrity which placed him in the front rank of the widely respected merchants of the city — a man whose word was as good as his bond.

Mr. Spear was one of ten children, three of whom are still living: Albert Spear, with whom the deceased was associated in business; William H. Spear, and Mrs. Joseph Doughterty, mother of the Erie passenger agent in this city.

In 1851 Mr. Spear married Miss Eliza Post and the union proved a most happy one. His widow survives him. He leaves two sons, John B., business manager of The Evening News, and Charles, who holds a responsible position in New York city.

The funeral will be held from the late residence of the deceased, 171 Fair street, on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. The interment will be in Cedar Lawn.

The News (Paterson, New Jersey), 24 January 1900, Wednesday, page 1

A Large Attendance and Many Handsome Floral Offerings.
The funeral of the late Jacob Spear was held from the family home, 171 Fair street, this afternoon at 2 o’clock, and the house was hardly large enough to accomodate the throng of relatives and friends who were present to pay the last tribute to the memory of the deceased.
Dr. David Magie, of the Church of the Redeemer, preached the funeral sermon, and paid a fine tribute to the uprightness and sterling qualities which made Mr. Spear so universally esteemed by all who knew him.
There were a large number of handsome floral offerings, among them two large pillows from the family and. a wreath of roses and hyacinths on a ivy base from John B. Spear’s associates in The News and Volksfreund offices.
After the services the body was borne to its last resting place in Cedar Lawn cemetery.
Will notes for Jacob SPEAR
Will proved 27 Mar 1900 recorded Book W p. 151 Passaic County, New Jersey
In the name of God, Amen, I Jacob Spear, of the City of Paterson, County of Passaic and State of New Jersey, being of sound mind, memory and understanding do make and publish this my last will and testament, in manner following:-
First It is my will and I do order that all my just debts and funeral expenses be duly paid and satisfied as soon as conveniently can be after my decease.
Second, I give bequeath and devise all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate of whatsoever kind or nature or wherever situate unto my beloved wife Eliza Ann Spear, her heirs and assigns forever.
Lastly I hereby nominate and appoint my beloved wife Eliza Ann Spear, sole executrix of this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this First day of September A.D. Eighteen Hundred and Ninety Two
Jacob Spear
Signed, published and declared by the said Jacob Spear to be his last will and testament in the presence of us who were present at the same time and subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence of the testator and at his request.
Jacob M. Oatman 67 Broadway
Ackerman G. Oatman 67 Broadway349
Last Modified 14 Feb 2023Created 26 Aug 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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Research done and sourced whenever possible by Nancy L. Ratay or Myra S. Ratay. Other contributors noted in sources. Please verify information yourself as this is a work in progress. Last updated August 2022.