NameTheunis I. SPEER
Birth28 Dec 1788, Acquackanonk, Essex County, New Jersey434,435,436
Baptism25 Jan 1789, Acquackanonk, Essex County, New Jersey435
Memowit: Hendrick Spier, Geesje Everse
Death1 Sep 1863, Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey437,434,438
OccupationOwned Shoe Store; shoemaker
ReligionDutch Reformed
Alias/AKATunis, Teunis
Birth26 Jan 1794, Totowa, Bergen County, New Jersey439,440
Baptism2 Mar 1794, Totowa, Bergen County, New Jersey439
MemoWit: Hessel Pieterese, Fytye Van Houten, Adreyean Post, Maria Berdan
Death24 Oct 1859, Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey338,437,434
Marriage18 Jul 1813, Acquackanonk, Essex County, New Jersey441,434,338,442
Marr MemoRev. J. Henry Schoonmaker
John (Died as Infant) (1818-1818)
Notes for Theunis I. SPEER
Theunis, the oldest of five children surviving Johannis T. Spier, was a shoemaker. In 1841 he opened a store at No. 91 Main Street in Paterson. In 1850 he and his family were living in Paterson. Also in the house was Gertrude A. Van Houten. In 1855 he sold the business to two of his sons, Albert and Jacob who were still in possession in 1900.
Census notes for Theunis I. SPEER
1850 New Jersey, Passaic County, Paterson
dwelling 161, family 210
Tunis I. Speer, age 61, male, shoemaker
Sophia --------, age 56, female
Gertrude A. Van Houten, age 20, female
Jacob Speer, age 22, male, shoemaker
Caroline------, age 17, female
William Henry, age 14, male
1860 New Jersey, Passaic County, East Ward of Paterson, p. 307-308
dwelling 53, family 92 continuation from previous page
Tunis Dougherty, age 6, male, born New Jersey
Catherine --------, age 1, female, born new Jersey
Elis Locksmith, age 21, female, servant, born England
Theunis Spear, age 71, male, shoemaker, real estate 4000, personal 150, born New Jersey
Land notes for Theunis I. SPEER
10 Mar 1824
Land Transaction between Samuel Demarest and wife Martha of Saddle River twp. Bergen County, NJ and Theunis I. Spear of Acquackanonk in Essex for $240
Land in the township of Saddle River part of a lot of woodland formerly belonging to Corn. Van Winkle decd, beginning at the southeast corner of lot of woodland belonging to Garet Post at a stake running from 1) north 16 degrees west 4 chains 8 links, 2) north 74 degrees east 7 chains 37 links, 3) south 16 degrees east 4 chains 8 links, 4) south 74 degrees west 7 chains 37 links to the place of the beginning containing 3 acres.
Bounded north on line of heirs of Uriah Van Riper decd, east on line of John I Spear, south on line of John Ackerman and west on line of said Garret Post.
Will notes for Theunis I. SPEER
Will #809P Passaic County
Will dated 7 Sep 1860, proved 14 Sep 1863
In the name of God. Amen I Theunis I Spear of the City of Paterson in the County of Passaic and State of New Jersey being weak in body but of sound mind, memory and understanding (for which blessing I do most devoutly thank my God) do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say: First it is my will and I do order that all my just debts and funeral expenses be duly paid and Satisfied as soon as conveniently can be after my decease, and I do authorize empower and direct my executors thereinafter named to sell all my property both real and personal and convert the same into Cash. And I do empower my executors to make out Deeds of Conveyance to the purchaser of the real estate as fully as I myself could do were I present acting therein. Item I give and bequest unto my nine children viz, Eliza, Maria, John, Ralph, Albert, Jacob, Gertrude Ann, Caroline and William Henry, all my property of whatsoever kind to be divided between them in equal portions share and share alike Item In case any of my children should die before such division takes place & have lawful Issue then the share of such deceased’s child to go to their children Item It is my will and I do order that the shares of my daughters shall be paid to them for their use and not be subject to the control of their husbands and a receipt from my daughters to my executors for the same shall be a sufficient discharge to them Item I do order and direct my executors to pay over to each of my children or their lawful representatives their respective shares within one year after they shall have made sale of my real estate.
Lastly I hereby appoint my sons John T., Ralph, Albert, Jacob and William Henry executors of this my last will and testament
Witness my hand and seal this seventh day of September in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty.
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Theunis I Spear to be his last testament and will in the presence of us in the presence of each other and signed at his bequest
Signed by Helmagh Van Winkle, Cornelius Marselis and Thomas Gould.
Transcribed by Nancy Ratay
Paterson Daily Press, September 1863
Notice In pursuance of an order of Wm. Glendhill, Esq., Surrogate of the county of Passaic, in the State of New Jersey, Notice is hereby given to the Creditors of the Estate of Theunis I. Spear, late of said County, deceased, to bring in their Debts, Demands and Claims against the estate, under oath, to the subscribers, administrators of said deceased within nine months from the 14th day of September, A.D., eighteen hundred and sixty-three, being the date of said Order; and if any such Creditors shall neglect to bring in and exhibit his or her Debt, Demand or Claim, within the said period of nine months, such Creditor shall be forever barred of his or her action therefor, against the said Administrators.
John T. Spear,
Albert Spear,
Ralph Spear,
Jacob Spear,
William H. Spear,
Dated Pateron [sic], the 9th day of September A.D. 1863