NameMartin Van Buren WESTERVELT
Birth5 Apr 1837, New Jersey533
Baptism3 Apr 1838, Pompton Plains, Morris, New Jersey66
Death3 Jul 1883, Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey534,535
Memocause of death Phthisis Pulminolis
Burial6 Jul 1883, Cedar Lawn Cemetery, McLean Boulevard, Paterson, NJ 07513, USA
Birthbef 9 Feb 1841, Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey454
Baptism9 Feb 1841, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Paterson, New Jersey532
Death1 Jan 1921, Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey66
Burial2 Jan 1921, Cedar Lawn Cemetery, McLean Boulevard, Paterson, NJ 07513, USA
Marriage5 Jul 1864, Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey536,534,537
Notes for Martin Van Buren WESTERVELT
He was living at 16 Washington St. at time of death
Census notes for Martin Van Buren WESTERVELT
1880 New Jersey, Passaic County, Paterson, E.D. 164, sheet 19, page 298C, film T9-0796 (taken 15 Jun 1880)
8 Bank Street, dwelling 109, family 161
Westervelt, Martin, white, male, age 43, married, butcher, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
-------------, Caroline, white, female, age 35, wife, married, has chronic rheumatism, born New Jersey, parents born England
-------------, Kate, white, female, age 14, works in silk mill, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
Military notes for Martin Van Buren WESTERVELT
C 25 New Jersey Infantry Civil War
Pension Record 447904
1890 July 24 filed
Certificate 301108
Lists Selina as widow
1550Martin V Westervelt
Service Record:
Enlisted as a Private on 02 September 1862
Enlisted in Company C, 25th Infantry Regiment New Jersey on 18 September 1862.
Mustered out Company C, 25th Infantry Regiment New Jersey on 20 June 1863 in Beverly, NJ
M550 roll 25
Obituary notes for Martin Van Buren WESTERVELT
Paterson Daily Press, 5 July 1883, p. 3, viewed online at google.comMartin V. Westervelt, once known familiarly as “Honey,” died Tuesday night. He had for a number of years kept a butcher shop at 75 Main street. He was buying some produce from Mayor Hubschmitt of Small Lots when he was attacked with a fatal hemorrhage, and was carried home to die. Westervelt had for several years led a reformed and exemplary life and was saving money and proving himself a good citizen. He refused a glass of liquor profferred him in his last hours to ease his sufferings, preferring to die with his lips free from the taste of what, in day forever gone by, had been his bane.
Westervelt – In this city, on Tuesday, July 3d, 1883, Martin V. Westervelt, age 45 years.
Relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Friday, July 6th, from his late residence, No. 16 Washington street, at 2 1/2 o’clock p.m. Interment at Cedar Lawn.