Birth12 Apr 1855, Trenton, Indiana1954
Death24 Jun 1923, Bremen, Marshall County, Indiana3258
Memoage 68 years, 2 months, 12 days
BurialBremen Cemetery, Bremen, Indiana
ReligionSalem Evangelical
Birth2 May 1858, Columbiana County, Ohio1954
Death1 Sep 1912, Bremen, Marshall County, Indiana1954
Memoage 54 yrs 4 months
BurialBremen Cemetery, Bremen, Indiana
Marriage7 Dec 1885, Bertrand, Michigan1954
Obituary notes for John VAN SKYHAWK
The Bremen Enquirer, 28 June 1923, p. 1
John VanSkyhawk Dies Sunday From Paralysis
John VanSkyhawk, well know resident of Bremen for many years, died at his home here Sunday after an illness of several weeks from paralysis and complications. During the latter part of April he suffered a stroke of paralysis, and since the last of May he had been bedfast.
Funeral services were held from the family home Wednesday morning at ten o'clock, Rev. A.A. Knepper, pastor of Salem Evangelical church officiating. Burial was in the Bremen cemetery.
Mr. VanSkyhawk was born in Jay county, near the village of Trenton, Indiana, on April 12, 1855. His age at the time of his death Sunday was sixty-eight years, two months and twelve days. He had lived in this community practically all of his life He was married four times, one child being born to the first marriage and four to the second union. All the children have preceded the father in death except one son, Charles VanSkyhawk, of South Bend. His last marriage occurred on Nov. 15, 1920, to Mrs. Della Slusser who survives. Besides the widow and the son there are three grandchildren; one frothed, Frank VanSkyhawk of Muncie, Ind.; one sister, Mrs. Ella The of Mishawaka; three step children, Mrs. A.J. Manning, Mrs. Claude Mitchell and Ray Slusser; three step grandchildren, and other relatives more remote.