NameMarion Elnora WILSON
Burial29 Nov 2003, North Ridge Cemetery, Niagara County, New York8700
OccupationMother of 2 children; co-owner Pettit Electric Shop
Education3 years college
Birth29 Jun 1906, Wilson, Niagara County, New York8699,173
Death5 Apr 2007, Wilson, Niagara County, New York8699
BurialNorth Ridge Cemetery, Niagara County, New York8699
Marriage8 Aug 1935, Wilson, Niagara County, New York8701
Marr MemoBaptist Church parsonage
Obituary notes for Marion Elnora WILSON
Buffalo News, The (NY) - November 27, 2003
• Edition: FINALSection: LOCALPage: E6
Marion W. Pettit , co-owner of Pettit Electric Shop for 44 years, died Wednesday (Nov. 26, 2003) in Newfane Inter-Community Memorial Hospital after a lengthy illness. She was 95.
The former Marion Wilson was born in Somerset and was a graduate of Newfane High School.
Mrs. Pettit was a member of the Newfane Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star for 75 years. She also was a member of First Baptist Church, where she taught Sunday school for many years.
Survivors include her husband, Ora J.; a daughter, Gail Jeacock of Fort Erie, Ont.; a son, Paul of Georgetown, Texas; three grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.
Services will be at 11 a.m. Saturday in First Baptist Church of Wilson, Chestnut and Pettit streets. Private burial will be in North Ridge Cemetery, Cambria.
Notes for Ora Johnson & Marion Elnora (Family)
Niagara Fall Gazette, Friday, 2 August 1935, p. 4
Head of Sunday School to Marry
Engagement of Miss Marion E. Wilson Announced
OLCOTT, Aug. 2 – Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson of the East Lake road, announce the engagement of their daughter, Marion E. to Ora J. Pettit, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Pettit, of Wilson. The wedding will take place in the near future. Miss Wilson is superintendent of the Olcott Methodist Episcopal Church Sunday School.
Lockport Union-Sun and Journal, Saturday Evening, 10 August 1935, p. 4
The marriage of Miss Marion E. Wilson, daughter of Mr. ad Mrs. Walter S. Wilson of East Lake road, Olcott, to Ora J. Pettit, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dayton M. Pettit of Wilson , was solemnized Thursday at 7 o’clcok at the Baptist parsonage in Wilson, the Rev. Idris Jones officiating.
The bride wore a gown of white mousseline de soie and carried bride’s roses and gypsophilia. She was attended by Miss Estella P. Wilson of Olcott, as maid of honor, wearing tea rose satin and carrying a pink gladioli arm bouquet. Mrs. Wilson’s gown was of blue flowered crepe and Mrs. Pettit’s of navy blue georgette. Both wore shoulder corsages. Ronald Gifford of Wilson, was best man.
A wedding dinner for 21 was served at the Aln Lieu, Olcott, decorations being of baskets holding roses, gladioli and phlox. The table was centered with a pyramid cake topped with a miniature bride and groom and banked with asparagus fern, surrounded by white tapers.
Mr. and Mrs. Pettit left for a camping trip through the Adirondacks and New England states. Mrs. Pettit’s traveling suit was of blue with white accessories. After September 1 they will be at home in Wilson.
Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Dayton M. Pettit, the Rev. and Mrs. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Pettit, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Pettit, Ronald Gifford and La Verne Wright, all of Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Nixon of Ransomville, Richard Wilson of Cleveland, and Mr. and Mrs. Claud O. Wilson, Miss Chrissie Grier and Earl F. Wilson of Buffalo.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Wilson, Leonard Wilson and Miss Estella Wilson of Olcott.