Ratay-Johnstone Ancestors - Person Sheet
Ratay-Johnstone Ancestors - Person Sheet
NameArthur Paul JOHNSTONE
Birth21 May 1895, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18
MemoDr. Verity
Death3 Jul 1964, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio19
Burial7 Jul 1964, Rose Hill Burial Park Hamilton, Ohio20
OccupationMachinist For Allis-Chambers, Fireman, Drove Bakery Truck At 15
EducationHigh school 1 year
Alias/AKAArt, Arthur George (birth cert); Arthur Paul Rudolph on handwritten paper; Johnson, Johnston
FatherGeorge Herbert JOHNSTON (1857-1922)
MotherAnna Catherine Julia FRIESE (1870-1922)
Birth5 Sep 1891, Holland, Dubois County, Indiana21,5,22,23
Death27 Mar 1975, Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio5,19
Burial29 Mar 1975, Rose Hill Burial Park Hamilton, Ohio24
FatherErnst Conrad WERREMEYER (1843-1921)
MotherWilhelmina Carolyn STORK (1857-1925)
Marriage1 Oct 1919, Huntingburg, Dubois County, Indiana25,26
Marr MemoRev. Charles Miller M. E. Parsonage from newspaper clipping
ChildrenJames George (1920-2002)
 Ruth Lydia (1927-2022)
Notes for Arthur Paul JOHNSTONE
My grandfather, Arthur Paul Johnstone, was actually born Arthur George Johnston on 21 May 1895 in Chicago, Illinois. His parents, George Johnston and Anna Friese, were living at 39 Huron St. at the time of his birth. They had been married 17 April 1889 in Arlington Heights, a suburb of Chicago. Arthur was the third child and first son born to this couple.
How or when his name was changed from Arthur George to Arthur Paul is not known. Paul is a recurring name in his mother’s family. Family tradition says that Art, as he was known, added the e to the end of his surname when he entered the army. It was thought he was trying to distance himself from his father, who had gone by both Johnson and Johnston.
His family lived together in Chicago at 39 Huron until about 1908. Art was the only surviving boy with three sisters. Two baby brothers, Hiram George and George, both died within a year or two after birth. Something happened around 1908 to cause a rift between Art’s parents. George had a first wife, Sophia, by whom he had a child, Clarence. No death or divorce has as yet been discovered for this marriage. Possibly this was the cause of the split. For whatever reason, Anna took the children and moved to Allegan County, Michigan. By 1910 George was living with his son, Clarence in Chicago and Anna was living with Lewis H. Burlingham and her youngest two children, Art and Virginia, in Saugatuck, Michigan. Art was attending school and driving a bakery truck at age 15. By 1911 older sister, Florence, was married and living in La Porte, Indiana. Art probably moved to La Porte sometime after his sister’s marriage because he enlisted in the U.S. Army 28 May 1915 at La Porte.
It was on these enlistment papers that Art first used the surname Johnstone with the ‘e’ added. He was assigned to Company B 151st Infantry, 38th Cyclone Division in 1917. Prior to this it was known as the 17th Division having personnel from Indiana and Kentucky only. This Division was sent to Camp Shelby, outside Hattiesburg, Mississippi for training. He was promoted to Corporal in September 1917 and listed as a machinist. This assignment was of significance to Art’s future because it was at Camp Shelby that he met his future wife, Lydia Werremeyer. She was born 5 September 1891 in Holland, Dubois County, Indiana, daughter of Ernst and Minnie Werremeyer. She was serving in the Red Cross nursing corps at the camp.
Art’s unit sailed overseas 4 October 1918 to Verdun, France. His unit never saw action and returned from overseas, arriving 6 May 1919. At that time his unit was dispersed, and he was assigned to Company I of the 53rd Pioneer Infantry. He was honorably discharged at Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky on 20 May 1919 and was given travel vouchers to return to La Porte. He was described in his discharge papers as being 6 feet ½ inch tall, blue eyes, brown hair, fair complexion.
He must have gotten to know Lydia well enough at Camp Shelby and exchanged letters with her while he was overseas, because they were married only a short time after his discharge. On 1 October 1919 they participated in a double wedding with Lydia’s younger sister, Amelia, and her groom. The couples drove to the Dubois County seat in the morning for their licenses and then were married at the Main Street Methodist Episcopal parsonage. They returned to the brides’ home for a wedding supper.
The couple went to live in La Porte. They were recorded renting their home at 702 C Street in 1920. Art was working as a laborer in a factory. They had their first child, James George, my father, on 29 July 1920. Art’s parents had somehow reconciled and had moved to La Porte as well, living at 1022½ Lincolnway. His parents both died in 1922.
Art and Lydia moved to 1109 Second Street shortly after James’ birth and stayed there until their second child, Ruth Lydia, was born 21 February 1927. By 1930 they were renting their home at 302 K Street, and Art was a fireman for the City Fire Department. As a fireman he worked 24 hour shifts: 24 hours on and 24 hours off. There was a loud whistle that would blow if there was a fire that could be heard all over town. Art would have to call the telephone operator and say “Fireman calling; where is the fire?” The operator would tell him if he needed to go to the fire station or not.
Art became a member of the Masons Lodge 41 on 16 September 1931, and attained a 32nd Degree. He was also a member of the American Legion, Hamon Gray Post 83. He and Lydia were members of the First Methodist Church of La Porte. By 1938 they had moved to 1505 Lincolnway.
In 1942 with the start of World War II, Art and Lydia moved to 409 Rose Street and were still renting. They would remain in this house until 1964. Lydia used her nursing skills again during the war working in the maternity ward of the local hospital. Art remained with the fire department a while longer. He would then get a job after the war as a machinist and inspector for Allis-Chalmers, a large manufacturing company in LaPorte. He would have this job until his retirement in 1960.
After his retirement Art started to have little mini-strokes. When their daughter, Ruth, and her husband, Robert Dreske moved to Hamilton, Ohio in 1964, Art and Lydia had to move with them, because they were not able to care for themselves without help. They lived at 6508 Glenmont Drive in Normandy Heights, a short walk to Ruth and Bob’s house. Only a month after the move Art had a massive stroke in May and never regained consciousness. He died at Cincinnati Veteran’s Hospital, 3 July 1964 at the age of 69. He was buried at Rose Hill Burial Park in Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio.
Military notes for Arthur Paul JOHNSTONE
Entered Army (World War I) 5-28-1915; discharged 5-5-1919 (Corporal) #1563670
Last assigned Co. "I" 53rd Infantry Pioneer
Enlisted at LaPorte, IN.
Honorably discharged at Camp Zachary Taylor, KY, 20 May 1919

Military address Oct 14, 1917:
Corp. Arthur Johnstone
Co. B 151st Inf., 38th Cyclone Div.
Verdun, France
Census notes for Arthur Paul JOHNSTONE
1900 Illinois, Cook County, Chicago, 23rd Ward, vol. 51, E.D. 706, sheet 8B, line 88, p. 23, film T623-273 (taken 8 June 1900)
dwelling 73, family 164, 39 Huron Street
Johnston, George, head, white, male, July 1857, age 42, married 12 years, born Michigan, parents born Michigan, iron moulder
-----------, Anna, wife, white, female, July 1870, age 29, married 12 years, born Illinois, parents born Germany
-----------, Mamie, daughter, white, female, Sept 1889, age 10, single, born Illinois, father born Michigan, mother born Illinois
-----------, Florence, daughter, white, female, July 1891, age 8, single, born Illinois, father born Michigan, mother born Illinois
-----------, Arthur, son, white, male, May 1895, age 5, single, born Illinois, father born Michigan, mother born Illinois

1910 Michigan, Allegan County, Saugatuck Twp, Douglas Village, E.D. 28, sheet 3A, stamped page 221, film T624-634 (taken 19 April 1910)
Wall Street, dwelling 72, family 73
Burlingham, Lewis H., head, male white, age 48, married twice, this for 0 years, born Michigan, father born Ohio, mother born England, engineer in basket factor
--------------, Anna J., wife, female, white, age 39, married twice, this for 0 years, mother of 4 children, 4 living, born Illinois, parents born Germany
Johnson, Arthur P., stepson, male, white, age 15, single, born Illinois, father born Michigan, mother born Illinois, driver bakery wagon
----------, Virginia A., stepdaughter, female, white, age 9, single, born Illinois, father born Michigan, mother born Illinois

1920 Indiana, LaPorte County, Center Township, 5th Ward, LaPorte City, E.D. 127 sheet 3B, line 92, film T625-447 (taken 11 Jan 1920)
702 C Street, dwelling 78, family 80,
Johnstone, Arthur, head, male, white, age 25, married, born, Illinois, father born Ohio, mother born Illinois, factory laborer
Johnstone, Lydia, wife, female, white, age 27, married, born Indiana, father born Germany, mother born Ohio

1930 Indiana, LaPorte County, LaPorte, Center Township, Ward 2, Block 2, E.D. 7, sheet 9B, line 54 , film T626-603 (taken 10 Apr 1930)
302 K Street, dwelling 204, family 241
Johnstone, Arthur P., head, renting $25/mo., male, white, age 36, married at age 26, born Illinois, father born Ohio, mother born Illinois, fireman, City Fire Dept., served in WWI
------------, Lydia, wife, female, white, age 38, married at age 28, born Indiana, father born Germany, mother born Ohio
------------, James, son, male, white, age 9, single, born Indiana, father born Illinois, mother born Indiana
------------, Ruth, daughter, female, white, age 3, single, born Indiana, father born Illinois, mother born Indiana

1940 Indiana, La Porte County, Center Township 2nd Ward, E.D. 46-8, sheet 10B
1505 Lincolnway, dwelling 226, rents, $25
Johnstone, Arthur, head, male, white, age 46, married, 1 year of high school, born Illinois, in same house in 1935, fireman for city
-------------, Lydia, wife, female, white, age 48, married, 4 years high school, born Indiana, in same house in 1935
-------------, James (ab), son, male, white, age 19, single, 1 year college, born Indiana, in same house in 1935
-------------, Ruth, daughter, female, white, age 13, single, 7th grade, born Indiana, in same house

1950 Indiana, LaPorte County, LaPorte City, E.D. 46-21, sheet 7 (taken 10 Apr 1950)
409 Rose, household 72
Johnstone, Arthur E., head, white, male, age 54, married, born Illinois, machine shop inspector, farm implement manufacturing
————-, Lydia H., wife, white, female, age 54, married, born Indiana, registered nurse at a hospital
————-, Ruth L., daughter, white, female, age 23, never married, born Indiana, registered nurse at farm implement mfg.
Obituary notes for Arthur Paul JOHNSTONE
La Porte Herald-Argus, Monday July 6, 1964
Arthur Johnstone, 69, formerly of 409 Rose street here, of 6508 Glenmont drive, Normandy Heights, Hamilton, Ohio, died at 3:35 p.m. Friday at the Veterans hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio.
He was born May 21, 1895 in Chicago to George and Anna (Freese) Johnstone. He was married Oct. 1, 1919 in Holland, Ind. to Lydia Werremeyer.
Mr. Johnstone was a machinist with the Allis-Chalmers company here for a number of years until his retirement four years ago. He moved to Hamilton three months ago.
Mr. Johnstone was a member of the First Methodist church, the Masonic lodge No. 41, F and AM, the Hamon Gray post American Legion 83 and the Allis-Chalmers Senior league.
Surviving are his wife; one daughter, Mrs. Robert J. Dreske, Hamilton, Ohio; one son, James Johnstone, Denver, Colo.; three sisters, Mrs. Earl Dominy, Holland; Mrs. Elmer Young, Chesterton, and Mrs. Frank Weidner, La Porte.
Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Webb Funeral home, Ross avenue and South street, Hamilton. Burial will be in Rose Hill cemetery there.

Hamilton Journal, Monday July 6, 1964
Arthur Johnston Sticken At 69

Arthur Johnstone, 69, of 6508 Glenmont Drive, Normandy Heights, died in Veterans Hospital, Cincinnati, at 3:35 P.M. Friday. He had been a patient there for two months.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnstone, formerly of 409 Rose St., LaPorte, Ind., moved to the Normandy Heights address three months ago to live with their daughter, Mrs. Robert J. Dreske.
Born in Chicago May 2, 1895, a son of George and Anna Freese Johnstone and educated in the schools of Chicago, Mr. Johnstone married Lydia Werremeyer Oct. 1, 1919, in Holland, Ind. He became a machinist for the Allis-Chalmers Co., retiring four years ago.
A veteran of World War I, Mr. Johnstone was a member of American Legion Harmon Gray Post 83 of LaPorte, Ind.; of the Senior League of Allis-Chalmers; of the LaPorte, Ind. Methodist Church, and of Lodge 41, Free and Accepted Masons.
He leaves his wife, Mrs. Lydia Johnstone, and a daughter, Mrs. Robert J. Dreske, both of Normandy Heights, Hamilton; a son, James Johnstone, Denver, Colo.; three grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Earl Dominy, Holland, Ind.; Mrs. Elmer Young, Chesterton, Ind., and Mrs. Frank Weidner, LaPorte, Ind., and other relatives.
He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother, Clarence Johnstone.
Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday in Webb Funeral Home, Ross Ave., and So. D St., by the Rev. James Maxwell, associate pastor, Lindenwald Methodist Church. Burial will be in Rose Hill Memorial Park. The American Legion will participate in the burial rites.
Friends may call at the funeral home from 1 p.m. until time for the services Tuesday.
Residences notes for Arthur Paul JOHNSTONE
1895-ca1909 Chicago, Cook County, Illinois
1900 Chicago - 39 Huron Street
1910-ca1914 Saugatuck, Allegan County, Michigan
1913 boards 610 C Street LaPorte, Indiana (directory)
ca 1914-1915 LaPorte, LaPorte County, Indiana
1915-1919 with Company I, 53rd Infantry Pioneer Unit, including Verdun, France in 1917
1918 Hattiesburg, Mississippi
1919-1963 LaPorte, LaPorte County, Indiana
1964 Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio
Notes for Arthur Paul & Lydia Henrietta (Family)
Holland People Participate in Double Wedding
Special to The Independent
Holland, Ind., Oct 2, – A double wedding occurred at Huntingburg, Wednesday afternoon, at four o’clock in which three people of our little city played a prominent part – they were the two brides and one of the grooms. The two happy couples untied in marriage were, Miss Lydia Werremeyer of this place to Mr. Arthur Johnstone of Laporte, Ind., and Miss Amelia Werremeyer to Mr. Harry J. Tormohlen, both of this place. The young people drove to the county seat in the afternoon to secure their marriage licenses and on their way home drove to Huntingburg and were married at four o’clock, by Rev. Charles Miller, at the Main Street M.E. parsonage. After the ceremony they repaired to the brides’ home at this place where a splendid wedding supper was enjoyed, only the immediate relatives being present.

Both brides are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Werremeyer, of this place and are well known and highly respected young ladies. Mrs. Tormohlen has always made her home in Holland with her parents, and she and her husband will continue to make their home there. She was prettily attired in a dress of blue taffeta.

Mr. Tormohlen is a son of Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Tormohlen, and is employed in the factory of Henry Werremeyer. He is an industrious and energetic young man.

Mrs. Johnstone wore a becoming dress of blue serge. She is a trained nurse and during the world war enlisted in the Red Cross service for service in this country only, and served in various camps. It was while doing work in the camp at Hattiesburg, Miss., that she met Mr. Johnstone, then in the U.S. army and their friendship continued until it has culminated in their marriage Wednesday.

Mr. Johnstone is a splendid young man and has just recently been honorably discharged from the U.S. army after service overseas. His is in business in Laporte, Ind. to which place he and his bride will go Friday to make their future home.
Last Modified 24 Aug 2022Created 26 Aug 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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Research done and sourced whenever possible by Nancy L. Ratay or Myra S. Ratay. Other contributors noted in sources. Please verify information yourself as this is a work in progress. Last updated August 2022.