Ratay-Johnstone Ancestors - Person Sheet
Ratay-Johnstone Ancestors - Person Sheet
NameJames George JOHNSTONE
Birth29 Jul 1920, LaPorte, LaPorte County, Indiana1,2
Baptism5 Sep 1920, LaPorte, LaPorte County, Indiana First Methodist Church3
Death10 Feb 2002, Littleton, Jefferson County, Colorado4,5
MemoAlterra Sterling House Assisted Living Residence
Burial14 Feb 2002, Crown Hill Cemetery, Lakewood, Jefferson County, Colorado4
OccupationEngineer, College Professor, Land Surveyor
EducationBA Colorado School Of Mines 1948; MA Purdue University 1952
FatherArthur Paul JOHNSTONE (1895-1964)
MotherLydia Henrietta WERREMEYER (1891-1975)
Birth10 May 1921, Boxville, Union County, Kentucky6,7,5
Baptism27 Nov 1949, LaPorte, LaPorte County, Indiana First Methodist Church8
Death30 Oct 1995, Lakewood, Jefferson County, Colorado9,5
Burial2 Nov 1995, Crown Hill Cemetery, Lakewood, Jefferson County, Colorado9
FatherJames William MOFFIT (1889-1970)
MotherDaisy Hindle SPEAR (1888-1968)
Marriage24 Aug 1946, Golden, Jefferson County, Colorado10,6
Marr MemoSigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity House
Notes for James George JOHNSTONE
Autobiography of James G. Johnstone written in 1983
Born July 29, 1920, at La Porte, Indiana, where he attended and graduated from grade and high school. Attended Western Kentucky State University for two years. Graduated from the Colorado School of Mines in 1948 with the degree of Geological Engineer. Received his Master of Science in Engineering from Purdue University in 1952. Became a Registered Professional Engineer in Indiana in 1954 and in Colorado in 1956. He is also a Licensed Land Surveyor in both states.

He began his engineering career as a draftsman for Giffels and Wallet, Architects and Engineers of Detroit, Michigan at the Kingsbury Ordnance Plant in Indiana in 1941. Became a surveyor and Assistant to the Plant Engineer, Ford Motor Company, Detroit, from 1942 to 1945. Assistant Professor of Engineering Geology at Purdue University 1949 to 1955. Headed the Engineering Geology Section of Geophoto Services, Denver, Colorado, 1955 to 1957. Employed by Woodward, Clyde and Associates in 1957 as a project engineer. He was a member of the Department of Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines from 1957 to 1983 where he arose to Professor of Engineering in 1971, retiring in 1983 as Emeritus Professor.

He has been a private consultant to Western Electric Company on selection of DEW Line sites, to J. E. Greiner Company on site selection of the Indiana Toll Road and to the Union Building and Construction Company on sections of the Massachusetts and New jersey Turnpikes. He is the author of a number of technical publications in the field of air photo interpretation and engineering geology.

He has been a member of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) since 1954 and has been active in the Professional Engineers of Colorado (PEC) since returning to Denver in 1955. He is member of the Metropolitan and Jefferson Chapters and has served the Metropolitan Chapter as Vice President and President and on numerous committees. He has served PEC as State Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President and President, helping to organize six of the nine local chapters in Colorado. At one time or another he has served on most of the State PEC committees. He was NSPE National Director from Colorado serving from 1968-74 and 1976-78. He was National Vice President of NSPE 1974-76. In addition, he has served as Southwestern Regional Vice Chairman of Professional Engineers in Education which he helped to organized and has nerved on a number of NSPE'S national committees including Ethics and the Board of Ethical Review. He was the General. Chairman of the NSPE Annual Meeting held in Denver in July 1972.

In 1967 he was named Colorado Professional Engineer of the Year, the honor being repeated in 1979. In 1971 he was appointed to the State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors by Governor Love and reappointed by Governor Lamm in 1975. He served as its Chairman 1978-79. As a member of the National Council. of Engineering Examiners (NCEE) he served as Chairman of the Uniform Laws and Procedures Committee and the Land Surveyors Examination Committee. He was one of NCEE's representatives to the Engineers Council for Professional Development (ECPD now ABET). the national. accrediting agency for engineering education.

As a Fellow, he has also been active in the Colorado Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers and its Division of Geotechniques where he has served as Secretary and Chairman. He is also a member of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE). He serves the American Arbitration Association as an arbitor and is a certified accreditor for the Association of Independent Colleges and Schools.

He is listed in Who's Who in Engineering, Who's Who in the West and Who's Who in America. His honors include being named to Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honorary, Sigma Xi Research Honorary and Sigma Gamma Epsilon Earth Science Honorary. In 1975 he received the Certificate of: Honor of the Colorado Engineering Council and was named an Outstanding Engineering Educator in 1974 and 1975.

He married Louise Moffit in 1946. They have one daughter Nancy Ratay.
Census notes for James George JOHNSTONE
1930 Indiana, LaPorte County, LaPorte, Center Township, Ward 2, Block 2, E.D. 7, sheet 9B, line 54 , film T626-603 (taken 10 Apr 1930)
302 K Street, dwelling 204, family 241
Johnstone, Arthur P., head, renting $25/mo., male, white, age 36, married at age 26, born Illinois, father born Ohio, mother born Illinois, fireman, City Fire Dept., served in WWI
------------, Lydia, wife, female, white, age 38, married at age 28, born Indiana, father born Germany, mother born Ohio
------------, James, son, male, white, age 9, single, born Indiana, father born Illinois, mother born Indiana
------------, Ruth, daughter, female, white, age 3, single, born Indiana, father born Illinois, mother born Indiana

1940 Indiana, La Porte County, Center Township 2nd Ward, E.D. 46-8, sheet 10B
1505 Lincolnway, dwelling 226, rents, $25
Johnstone, Arthur, head, male, white, age 46, married, 1 year of high school, born Illinois, in same house in 1935, fireman for city
-------------, Lydia, wife, female, white, age 48, married, 4 years high school, born Indiana, in same house in 1935
-------------, James (ab), son, male, white, age 19, single, 1 year college, born Indiana, in same house in 1935
-------------, Ruth, daughter, female, white, age 13, single, 7th grade, born Indiana, in same house
Obituary notes for James George JOHNSTONE
Memoir from Professional Engineers of Colorado publication, Spring 2002 - Page 7
James G. Johnstone, PE-PLS Dies at 81

James George Johnstone died in Littleton, Colorado, on February 10, 2002. He was born July 29, 1920, in La Porte, Indiana, to Arthur Paul and Lydia (Werremeyer) Johnstone. Jim attended Western Kentucky State University in Bowling Green, Kentucky, 1939-41, and received a Geological Engineer degree from Colorado School of Mines in 1948, and a M.S. in Engineering from Purdue University in 1952. Jim married Louise "Peg" Moffit. Jim and Peg moved to Golden, Colorado, where Jim attended the Colorado School of Mines, and received his degree. They moved to West Lafayette, Indiana, where they both received masters degrees from Purdue University. They returned permanently to Colorado in 1946. Jim and Peg had one child, Nancy Louise Johnstone Ratay, and a granddaughter Beth Ratay. Peg died October 30, 1995. In additional to daughter Nancy and granddaughter Beth, Jim is survived by a sister, Ruth Dreske, of Hamilton, Ohio. Jim's long and distinguished career, primarily as an engineering educator, also included engineering work in the private sector, consulting, and serving on many councils, boards, and committees. His background includes working with distinguished institutions at Giffels & Vallet, Inc., Ford Motor Company, and Geophoto Services. His services to educational institutions as an assistant professor and student at Purdue University, 1948-57, and the joining the faculty of Colorado School of Mines, where he served as Professor of Basic Engineering until his retirement in 1983. He was professor emeritus until his death in 2002. Jim was a member of the Society of Sigma Gamma Epsilon Honorary Society, Tau Beta Pi, and Sigma Epsilon Fraternity.

After his retirement, Jim served as a consultant on a number of major engineering projects. He was a Registered Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor in Colorado and Indiana. Engineering society memberships included American Society of Civil Engineers, the National Society of Professional Engineers, Professional Engineers of Colorado, PEC contact to the NSPE Division of Professional Engineers in Education, Professional Land Surveyors of Colorado and American Society of Engineering Education.

In addition to these technical and professional societies, he was a member of the Colorado Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, 1971-79, chairman, 1978-79; Engineers Council for Professional Development, 1975-79.

Among Jim's many honors and awards were PEC's Professional Engineer of the Year in 1967 and 1979, Outstanding Engineering Educator in 1974-74, Certificate of Honor - Colorado Engineering Council in 1975, and the Mines Medal from Colorado School of Mines in 1986.

Jim became a member of NSPE, PEC, and the Metropolitan Chapter in 1955. One of his early interests in 1957 was serving as editor of the state newsletter for a five-year term. He played a major role in initiating the publication of the Professional Engineer of Colorado magazine in April 1966. This 40-page magazine became one of the three top-rated engineering society publications in the country. His efforts in founding this magazine, along with other outstanding services to engineering, were responsible for his receiving the 1966 PEC Engineer of the Year.

Jim undertook all endeavors with great interest and energy. He held all offices of the Metropolitan Chapter and was one of the main organizers of the Jefferson Chapter where he held membership in both. After serving as President of Metropolitan, the original PEC Chapter, he served all elective offices of the state society, becoming president of PEC for the 1965-66 term.

Jim's interest in NSPE was not confined to state and local chapters. He served PEC as national director from 1967-74 and 1977-79 on the NSPE board of directors. In 1974, he was elected vice president of the Southwest Region of NSPE and served for two terms - 1974-76. He had a special interest in education activities of NSPE and served many years as PEC representative to Professional Engineers in Education. He also was active in NSPE's political action activities, both at the state and national levels.

Jim always made major contributions to any activity in which he was involved. Throughout the years he remained active in PEC by attending Chapter and state board meetings, often as a Jefferson Chapter state director, or as a committee member.

The last major contribution Jim made to PEC was the proposing and assisting in the organization of the professional Engineers of Colorado Education Foundation incorporated in 1990. The foundation acts on behalf of PEC to administer the funds received from donations and other sources to promote charitable, scientific, and educational programs.

Jim was active in the Colorado Republican Party, and a member of the Lakewood Methodist Church.
Memorial Contributions in honor of Jim Johnstone may be made to:
PEC Education Foundation
James G. Johnstone Memorial Fund
11166 Huron Street, Suite 27
Denver, CO 80234-3339

The Denver Post, (CO) March 15, 2002

James George Johnstone, 81, of Littleton, a professor, died Feb. 10 in Littleton. Services were Feb. 15 at Lakewood United Methodist Church. Interment was in Crown Hill Cemetery.

He was born July 29, 1920, in LaPorte, Ind. On Aug. 24, 1946, he married Louise Moffit in Golden. She preceded him in death. He earned a bachelor's of science degree from Colorado School of Mines and a master's degree from Purdue University. He taught civil engineering at the Colorado School of Mines. He was a member of Professional Engineers of Colorado, National Society of Professional Engineers, American Society of Engineers in Education, American Society of Civil Engineers, Tau Beta Pi and Jefferson County Housing Authority.

He is survived by a daughter, Nancy Ratay, Littleton; a sister, Ruth Dreske, Hamilton, Ohio; and a grandchild.
Residences notes for James George JOHNSTONE
LaPorte, LaPorte County, Indiana

1253 Kentucky Ave.
Bowling Green, Kentucky

LaPorte, LaPorte County, Indiana

Detroit, Michigan

Golden, Jefferson County, Colorado

Lafayette, Tippecanoe County, Indiana

Golden, Colorado

6535 West 26th Ave.
Wheat Ridge, Colorado

13079 W. Ohio Ave.
Lakewood, Colorado

Lakewood Meridian
1805 Balsam
Lakewood, Colorado

Sterling House
8701 S. Continental Divide Rd.
Littleton, Colorado
Last Modified 4 Apr 2020Created 26 Aug 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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Research done and sourced whenever possible by Nancy L. Ratay or Myra S. Ratay. Other contributors noted in sources. Please verify information yourself as this is a work in progress. Last updated August 2022.