NameDaisy Hindle SPEAR

Birth6 Mar 1888, Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey36,6,37,38
Death26 Mar 1968, Morganfield, Union County, Kentucky39,38
Burial28 Mar 1968, Odd Fellows Cemetery, Morganfield, Union County, Kentucky35
OccupationTeacher, mother of 3 children, also some stillborn
EducationVassar 1910
Birth10 Jan 1889, Bordley, Union County, Kentucky29,6,5,30,31,32
Death3 Sep 1970, Morganfield, Union County, Kentucky33,34,5
Burial5 Sep 1970, Odd Fellows Cemetery, Morganfield, Union County, Kentucky35
Marriage3 Jul 1919, New York City, Queens County, New York40,6 
Notes for Daisy Hindle SPEAR
The Courthouse at Paterson burned in 1902 and so Daisy said there was no birth certificate available for her or her sister. They had to use something else for their Social Security proof. A later search of the New Jersey birth records showed the birth of Daisy, but no name was given the baby at the time. Their birth dates are confirmed in the 1900 census. Daisy graduated from Vassar in 1910. After her mother died, she is living with the Fordyces and her sister after graduation at 73 Twelfth Avenue in Paterson. She met Bill Moffit in Paterson when both of them were teaching. It is assumed that they returned to Morganfield, Kentucky at the end of the teaching year for Bill at Drake Business College. She and Bill also convinced her sister, Louise and her husband, Wilfred Lloyd-Smith to move to Morganfield as well.
She taught at Morganfield High School after moving to Kentucky. She could not get a Kentucky teaching certificate because some Vassar classes were not acceptable. Daisy maintained connections with her cousins and exchanged photographs and letters.
Census notes for Daisy Hindle SPEAR
1900 New Jersey, Passaic County, Paterson, E.D. 123 sheet 19A, line 41, stamped page 267, film T623-991 (taken 11 Jun 1900)
191 Tyler Street, dwelling 226, family 424
Spear, John B., head, white, male, Dec 1856, age 43, married, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey, bookkeeper
-------, Elizabeth, wife, white, female, July 1852, age 38, married, mother of 2 children, 2 living, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
-------, Daisy H., daughter, white, female, Mar 1889, age 12, single, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
-------, Hester L, daughter, white, female, Jan 1891, age 9, single, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
Jabrin?, Annie, servant, white, female, Jan 1883, age 17, single, born New Jersey, parents born France
1905 New Jersey State Census, Passaic County, Paterson, 3rd E.D., ward 4, sheet 20A (taken 9 Jun 1905)
71 12th Avenue, dwelling 294, family 475
Spear, John B., white, male, Dec 1855, age 50, married, born New Jersey, patents born New Jersey, bookkeeper
———, Elizabeth white, female, Jul 1861, age 44, married, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
Sheet 20B
Spear, Daisy, white, female,Mar 1888, age 17, single, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey, school
———, Hester L., white, female, Jan 1891, age 14, single, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey, school
Hamilton, Matilda, white, female, May 1871, age 34, single, born New York, parents born Ireland, servant
1910 New Jersey, Passaic County, Paterson, Ward 4, E.D. 115, sheet 10B, film T624-906 (taken 20 Apr 1910)
73 Twelfth Avenue, dwelling 129, family 287
Fordyce, Robt. H., head, male, white, age 52, married 24 yrs, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey, Banker
----------, Daisy A., wife, female, white, age 51, married 24 yrs, mother of 4 children, 3 living, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
----------, Elizabeth H., daughter, female, white, age 20, single, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
----------, Beatrice, daughter, female, white, age 17, single, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
----------, Donald, son, male, white, age 10, single, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
Spear, Daisy H., niece, female, white, age 22, single, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
-------, H. Louise, niece, female, white, age 19, single, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
1920 New Jersey, Passaic County, Hawthorne, E.D. 15, sheet 11A, stamped page 95, film T625-1062 (taken 13 Jan 1920)
579 Lafayette Ave., dwelling 206, family 225
Moffit, James W., head, male, white, age 31, married, born Kentucky, parents born Kentucky, teacher at business school
--------, Daisy, wife, female, white, age 31, married, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
1930 Kentucky, Union County, magisterial district 5, E.D. 10, sheet 21A, stamped page 145, film T626-779 (taken 23 Apr 1930)
Boxville and Bordley Rd., dwelling 389, family 390
Moffit, James W., head, owns home $500, male, white, age 41, married at age 29, born Kentucky, father born Kentucky, mother Kentucky, farmer, general farm
--------, Daisy, wife, female, white, age 41, married at age 29, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
--------, Louise, daughter, female, white, age 8, single, attended school, born Kentucky, father born Kentucky, mother New Jersey
--------, Beatrice, daughter, female, white, age 4, born Kentucky, father Kentucky, mother New Jersey
--------, Anna E., daughter, female, white, age 2/12, single, born Kentucky, father Kentucky, mother New Jersey
1940 Kentucky, Union County, Mag. Dist. 5, E.D. 113-15, sheet 3B (taken 15 Apr 1940)
Household 58, owns, $250
Moffit, J. William, head, male, white, age 52, married, 4 yrs college, born Kentucky, lived in same house in 1935, farm operator
——-, Daisy H., wife, female, white, age 52, married, 4 yrs college, born New Jersey, lived in same house in 1935
——-, Louise, daughter, female, white, age 19, single, 1 yr college, born Kentucky, lived in same house in 1935
——-, Beatrice, daughter, female, white, age 14, single, 8th grade, born Kentucky, lived in same house in 1935
——, Ann Elizabeth, daughter, female, white, age 11, single, 4th grade, born Kentucky, lived in same house in 1935
Obituary notes for Daisy Hindle SPEAR
Union County Advocate, Morganfield, KY March 28, 1968.
Rites Today for Mrs. J. W. Moffit
Mrs. J.W. Moffit, 80, member of a widely known family and a resident of the Bordley community since 1920, died Tuesday morning at 7 o’clock at Our Lady of Mercy Hospital, the result of injuries received in a fall at Hillcrest Nursing Center here Monday night at 9 o’clock.
A native of Paterson, N.J., Mrs. Moffit was the former Daisy Spear. She was a graduate of Vassar College. Both she and her husband in their earlier years were active in Union County farm organizations. Since coming to Union County they had lived on the Moffit farm in the Bordley community near the scene of the new Moffit Lake recreation area.
Mrs. Moffit is survived by her husband and three daughters, Mrs. Louise Johnstone, Denver, Colo.; Mrs. Anna Morgan, city, and Mrs. Beatrice Marvel, of Sullivan and six grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday, March 28, at Whitsell Funeral Home with Rev. Don Davis, pastor of Morganfield Methodist Church, officiating. Burial will be in Morganfield IOOF Cemetery.
Unknown Newspaper from Collection of Nancy Ratay
Mrs. Daisy Moffit
Morganfield, Ky. - Mrs. Daisy Moffit, 80, died at 7 a.m. Tuesday at Our Lady of Mercy Hospital.
Surviving are her husband, J.W.; three daughters, Mrs. William Morgan of Morganfield, Mrs. Beatrice Marvel of Sullivan, and Mrs. Louise Johnstone of Denver, Colo.; and six grandchildren.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday, at Whitsell Funeral Home, with burial in I.O.O.F. Cemetery
Friends may call after 2 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home.