NameElizabeth HINDLE

Birth25 Jul 1861, Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey6,166,167,168
Memo22 Jul 1861 in Birth Index, living on Godwin St.
Death29 May 1909, New York City, Queens County, New York6,166,169
MemoUreania; Death Certificate 16959 Manhattan
Burial1 Jun 1909, Cedar Lawn Cemetery, McLean Boulevard, Paterson, NJ 07513, USA170,166
MemoSec 8 Lot 382
OccupationMother of 2 children
EducationPublic schools
Religion2nd Presbyterian; Church of the Redeemer
Birth10 Dec 1854, Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey158,159,6,160
Baptism30 Mar 1855, 2nd Reformed Church, Paterson, New Jersey161
Death13 Dec 1925, Bordley, Union County, Kentucky6,162,163,164,165
Burial14 Dec 1925, Odd Fellows Cemetery, Morganfield, Union County, Kentucky162
Marriage23 Apr 1885, Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey6,171,159 
Marr Memo2nd Presbyterian Church
Notes for Elizabeth HINDLE
Elizabeth and her sister Daisy Ackerman Hindle (1857-1914) were so inseparable that a short time after each married, they had mirror-image houses built next to each other on Tyler Street in Paterson, New Jersey.
Elizabeth was born 25 July 1861 in Paterson, the daughter of John Henry Hindle and Mary Elizabeth Hammond. Her mother died a little over a year later of typhoid fever, leaving the two little girls and their brother John Jr. (1856-1887) in the care of their father. John Henry remarried 20 November 1864 in the Second Reformed Church to Hester Louisa Cunningham who was the only mother the children ever knew. Two half-brothers, Charles Beckwith and Frank Lawton, were added to the family in 1866 and 1871 respectively. Elizabeth’s father ran a successful undertaking business in Paterson which may have contributed to the family’s tendency to kidney diseases. When Elizabeth was 10, her father built the family house and undertaking business at 115 Ellison. He was also one of the early investors of Cedar Lawn Cemetery.
On 23 April 1885, Elizabeth married John Bernard Spear at the Second Presbyterian Church in Paterson. He was a bookkeeper for John Norwood & Company. At the time of her marriage Elizabeth received a Bible from her half-brother Charles in which she began entering information about the family. The Bible is still held in the family. Although she spent many years attending the Second Presbyterian Church and helping out with the Sunday school, Elizabeth switched after her marriage to the Church of the Redeemer. She did a considerable amount of charity work through this church and through the Young Women’s Christian Association where she ran the lunchroom.
John Henry Hindle died 31 July 1888 from Bright’s disease, which had also taken Elizabeth’s brother John the year before. He left quite a large inheritance to be shared between his wife and surviving children. It may have been part of this inheritance that helped finance the two new houses.
John and Elizabeth (Hindle) Spear had two daughters, Daisy Hindle (1888) and Hester Louise (1891). Elizabeth must have been an independent woman for those days. She inherited a generous sum from her father upon his death that she wanted to use for the education of her two daughters. In her will, dated 7 September 1895, she left very little to her husband and the major portion of her estate went to her sister, Daisy Ackerman (Hindle) Fordyce, in a trust for her daughters’ education. In 1909 Elizabeth began feeling unwell and had to relinquish her role at the YWCA lunchroom. It was discovered that she had a tumor on her kidney and needed immediate surgery. She was taken to St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in New York City where the surgery was undertaken. She died from complications related to the polycystic kidney on 29 May 1909 at the hospital. She was buried in the family plot at Cedar Lawn Cemetery in Paterson. Because of the terms of her will, her daughters were able to attend and graduate from Vassar College in 1910.
©2013 Nancy Ratay
Census notes for Elizabeth HINDLE
1870 New Jersey, Passaic County, 4th Ward Paterson, page 11, stamped page 407, film M593-885 (taken 15th July 1870)
dwelling 71, family 79
John Hindle, age 36, male, undertaker, real estate worth $6500, personal $17000, born New Jersey
Hester L.---, age 25, female, keeps house, born New York
John---------, age 14, male, school, born New Jersey
Daisy A.----, age 12, female, school, born New Jersey
Lizzie-------, age 9, female, school, born New Jersey
Charles------, age 4, male, at home, born New Jersey
Christina Fek??, age 23, female, domestic, born Holland, parents foreign born
1880 New Jersey, Passaic County, Paterson, E.D. 157, sheet 30, line 13, page 164B, film T9-796 (taken 9 June 1880)
115 Ellison St., dwelling 260, family 319
Hindle, John H., white, male, 47, head, undertaker, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey [actually born England]
--------, Hester L., white, female, age 34, wife, keeping house, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
--------, John, white, male, age 23, son, undertaker, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
--------, Daisy, white, female, age 19, daughter, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
--------, Elizabeth, white, female, age 17, daughter, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
--------, Charles B, white, male, age 13, son, at school, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
--------, Frank L., white, male, age 9, son, at school, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
1900 New Jersey, Passaic County, Paterson, E.D. 123 sheet 19A, line 41, stamped page 267, film T623-991 (taken 11 Jun 1900)
191 Tyler Street, dwelling 226, family 424
Spear, John B., head, white, male, Dec 1856, age 43, married, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey, bookkeeper
-------, Elizabeth, wife, white, female, July 1852, age 38, married, mother of 2 children, 2 living, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
-------, Daisy H., daughter, white, female, Mar 1889, age 12, single, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
-------, Hester L, daughter, white, female, Jan 1891, age 9, single, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
Jabrin?, Annie, servant, white, female, Jan 1883, age 17, single, born New Jersey, parents born France
1905 New Jersey State Census, Passaic County, Paterson, 3rd E.D., ward 4, sheet 20A (taken 9 Jun 1905)
71 12th Avenue, dwelling 294, family 475
Spear, John B., white, male, Dec 1855, age 50, married, born New Jersey, patents born New Jersey, bookkeeper
———, Elizabeth white, female, Jul 1861, age 44, married, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey
Sheet 20B
Spear, Daisy, white, female,Mar 1888, age 17, single, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey, school
———, Hester L., white, female, Jan 1891, age 14, single, born New Jersey, parents born New Jersey, school
Hamilton, Matilda, white, female, May 1871, age 34, single, born New York, parents born Ireland, servant
Obituary notes for Elizabeth HINDLE
Paterson (NJ) Daily Press, Saturday, May 29, 1909.
Mrs. John B. Spear
Elizabeth Hindle, wife of John B. Spear, died this morning in a New York hospital. Mrs. Spear’s serious illness was noted in yesterday’s Press. She had undergone a serious operation on Tuesday. Mrs. Spear was prominent in religious and charitable work and active in the affairs of the Church of the Redeemer and the Young Women’s Christian Association. She had the management of the lunch room of the latter institution and its success has been largely due to her energy and ability. The deceased was a woman of kindly disposition, and a large circle of friends sympathize with the bereaved husband and daughters. She was a daughter of the late John H. Hindle and a sister of Mrs. Robert H. Fordyce. The funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon from the family residence, 71 Twelfth avenue.
Spear - In New York City on Saturday, May 29, 1909, Elizabeth Hindle wife of John B. Spear.
Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral on Tuesday, June 1, 1909, from her late residence, 71 12th avenue, this city at 2 o’clock p.m. Interment at Cedar Lawn.
Paterson (NJ) Guardian, Saturday, May 29, 1909.
Mrs. John B. Spear Dies in Hospital
Mrs. Elizabeth Hindle Spear, wife of John B. Spear, died this morning in St. Elizabeth’s hospital, New York where she has been a private patient since last Monday. Mrs. Spear underwent an operation for the removal of a tumor, and her condition was critical from the first, although her many friends hoped that the skill of the specialists, who had her case in charge, would result in saving the life of the well-known woman.
Mrs. Spear was the second daughter of the late John H. Hindle, and was born in this city, residing here all her life. She was educated in the public schools and had a large circle of warm friends, which she was able to claim as her girlhood companions. Before her marriage Mrs. Spear attended the Second Presbyterian church and was one of the most active workers in the Sunday school, residing over a class of young women for many years. After her marriage she severed her connection with Dr. Shaw’s church to attend the Church of the Redeemer where she was also a useful member.
The death of Mrs. Spear will come very close to the majority of the prominent women of the city for she was concerned in all the charity work that interested the church people. There is not a woman who will be so sadly missed in the Young Women’s Christian Association circles, for she was one of the most enthusiastic workers for the girls of Paterson and managed the affairs of the lunch room ever since it was started, until her health compelled her to give up the chairmanship of the committee to another. Mrs. Spear took the greatest pride in her work and was frequently commended for her untiring devotion to her duty in the line.
Mrs. Spear has been in poor health for some time, although she and her loved ones did not realize that her ailment was of such a serious nature until she recently consulted a specialist for relief. When he informed her that she had a tumor that needed immediate attention, Mrs. Spear made arrangements to be treated at the New York Hospital.
She was a woman who possessed many Christian virtues and had a most pleasing personality that won for her the love of people in all classes of society. Sincere sympathy will be extended to the husband and two daughters who are so sadly stricken and to her only sister, Mrs. Robert H. Fordyce, who was her inseparable companion on all occasions.
The funeral will take place on Tuesday afternoon from her late residence 71 Twelfth avenue and the interment will be made in Cedar Lawn Cemetery.
Paterson Morning Call, 31 May 1909
Mrs. Elizabeth Spear
Mrs. Elizabeth Spear, wife of John B. Spear, of the city, and a daughter of the late John H. Hindle, died on Saturday morning at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, New York, where she was operated on last Tuesday for cancer of the liver. Mrs. Spear, who was well known in this city for her charitable work, is survived by two daughters, Misses Louise and Daisy; a sister, Mrs. Robert H. Fordyce, and a brother, Dr. Frank Hindle of New Brunswick. The funeral services will be held at her late residences, 71 Twelfth avenue, tomorrow afternoon, Rev. B. Canfield Jones, officiating.
Will notes for Elizabeth HINDLE
Petition Book I, p. 100; died 29 May 1909
Probate 10 June 1909
Will in Book I2, p. 375
Letters 10 Jun 1909
Inventory Book D2, p. 156
Creditors Limit 10 Mar 1910; Book H p. 185
In the name of God, Amen, I Elizabeth Spear, wife of John B. Spear of the City of Paterson, in the County of Passaic and State of New Jersey, being of sound and disposing mind and memory do make and publish my last will and testament as follows:
First: I direct all my just debts and my funeral expenses to be paid as soon as may be reasonable after my decease.
Second: I give to my husband John B. Spear, any debt or debts which may be owing by him to me at the time of my decease.
Third: I give devise and bequeath all my remaining property, real, personal or mixed to my sister Daisey A. Fordyce, to have and to hold the same upon the following trusts, that is to say.
First: To pay from the same all expenses connected with the probate of this my last will and testament.
Second: To invest the remaining money, together with all moneys realized from the sale of any of my real estate which real estate will be subject to my husband’s right of courtesy until his death and all moneys derived from said real estate after the death of my said husband either rents or otherwise, in some safe and responsive security or securities and the interest or income arising therefrom to be used by my said trustee for the maintenance and education of my children. It is my desire and wish that no expense be spared in order to give my children a good first class education and my said trustee is hereby empowered to use her own judgment in the expenditure of said income for said children, as far as the law will allow, until they arrive at the age of twenty one years, at which time I direct that all estate then remaining in my said trustee’s hands shall be divided equally between my children share and share alike and to them, their heirs and assigns forever.
In case one of my children should die before she arrives at the age of twenty one years then I direct my trustee to apply all the income or any part thereof, as she thinks best to the support and education of the survivor until her arrival at the age of twenty one years, at which time I direct said trustee to convey and pay over to said survivor the whole estate then remaining which I give to her, her heirs and assigns forever, but in case both my children should die before they arrive at the age of twenty one years, then I give devise and bequeath my whole estate to the children of my sister Daisey A. Fordyce, share and share alike, and to them, their heirs and assigns forever.
It is my will and I do order that in case my trustee shall at any time think it advisable to dispose of any or all of my real estate for the benefit of my said children, she is at liberty to do so and for and towards the performance of said trust I do by these presents give my said trustee full power and authority to grant bargain, sell and convey, at public or private sale, all or any of my real estate, subject however to any right of courtesy which my husband might have therein in case he is living at that time, to any person or persons whosoever and to them their heirs and assigns forever in fee simple by all and every means in the law as to my said trustee or to her counsel learned in the law shall seem fit and necessary.
Third: I hereby appoint my sister Daisey A. Fordyce sole executrix of this my last will and testament and request that no bonds be required for the faithful performance of the trust heretofore set forth.
In testimony hereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Seventh Day of September in the year or our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety five.
Notes for John Bernard & Elizabeth (Family)
Paterson Daily Press, 24 April 1885, p. 3
SPEAR–HINDLE – On Thursday evening, April 23rd, 1885, at 115 Ellison street, the residence of the bride’s parents by Rev. Dr. Shaw, Mr. John B. Spear and Miss Elizabeth Hindle, all of this city.
…..The marriage of Mr. John B. Spear to Miss Elizabeth Hindle, daughter of Mr. John H. Hindle, was celebrated last evening at the residence of the bride’s parents on Ellison street. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Charles D. Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Spear left for Washington at 10 o’clock.